actual stats

has anyone out there done actual "stats" when growing their plants? Like one pot size vs a bigger pot size, same strain = difference in yield? or with nuts? or with lights? or? any kind of comparisons like that would be sooooo helpful! most of the feed back is like, "my looked awesome!' or " the buds were huge" without actual side by side numbers. I would love to see any kind of studies anyone has done along these lines :) :) :)


Well-Known Member
Well, yeah, for years I've kept logbooks to record stats for comparison. Using these, I've done tons of experiments and come to several coclusions I consider facts of growing in my own room.

And theres the rub. In most cases, whats relevent to me in my room wont translate to yours. I simply grow differently than you, and unless you recreate my conditions exactly, you won't get the same results.

Also understand that unless the scientific method is followed, conclusions we draw, including mine, will be little more than speculation.