active air intake


Active Member
my grow tent has passive air inlets all around the bottom, but it it worthwhile having a fan blowing air into the room?

i also have a good sized extractor fan and all the gear, and its only a room 1.2x1.2 with 1x600w.

any info would be good


Well-Known Member
The only reason you would need an "active" intake as you call it, would be if your passive intakes were not allowing the correct cfm to enter the grow cab. For example, if you have a 500cfm fan, but only enough room to have passive intakes that allow 300cfm to enter you cab, then yes, an intake fan would benefit you.

However, if your cab is designed correctly, and you have a 500cfm fan, with enough passive intakes to allow for 500cfm to enter your cab, then adding an intake fan will do absolutely nothing. But remember, you want some back pressure in your cab, so you would want some where under 500cfm. But not by much. Having a little less air moving into the cab than what your fan is trying to exhuast will keep your smell in your room.

Your exhaust fan can only "pull" so much air out of your cab. Adding more air flow to the cab will not aid exhausting. If you want to boost your cooling ability, add another exhaust fan and add more passive intakes to increase the cfm pulled into the cab.

You can tell if you have enough passive intakes by taking a light piece of paper, like toilet paper, and placing it over one of your intakes. If the paper sticks to the intake hole, then you have negative pressure. Keep adding intakes until the paper falls off. If it falls off, you have one hole too many worth of intakes, and need to cover one up.

So, will active intakes help? In some situations, yes. In others, they will just be a waste. Figure out which situation you are in, and make a decision from there.



Active Member
thanks bob, i think i should be fine as is, and just add a circulating fan inside the tent :)

looking forward to posting pics of my first grow online