Acid => Shooms?


Active Member
Im screwed up right now, and was wondering, whats worse for you, shooms or acid? I want to 'trip' at least once, never have, but what would be the better rout in your opinion?]



Active Member
shrooms!!! they are gods gift for a good trip. they ar all natural and you cant go wrong with nature
back in the good old old days, in the 80's I got my hands on some Berkley acid for $95 for 1 1/2 sheets, 150 hits on Telegraph Street
That stuff has me talking to Marilyn Monroe at the McDonalds and watching a duck kick the shit out of a guy in a wheelchair crossing the street.

I would go with the acid but if you do alot it may linger for many years. My back is prone to go out with a sudden movement and my teeth hurt sometimes and if I am lucky and have total silence I can watch the walls or whatever I am looking at literally move in waves.
At my height I was eating 8 hits a day for almost 2 weeks. One hit took my girlfriend then, (who is a tye dye maker in Coloma, Look it up) and she never did acid before and she was crying because the needles in her finger tips were on fire and she couldnt get the out. So I had to get the pliers from my truck (true story) andpick out the imaginary needles from her fingertips. After that she was awesome the rest of the night, under the stars.


Well-Known Member
Acid was always my fav, shrooms make me think too much. plus cid is a way more visible trip.


Well-Known Member
just do it in your home with a couple chill firends and relax. the only time ive seen someone have a bad trip was my brother, but we were in town the whole day and it was cold. lol


Active Member
I'm down to try , just don't want a bad trip
anyone know what's more common to have a bad trip on?


Well-Known Member
just make sure your in a comfortible enviroment, with like minded friends, and your in for the night of your life. lol


Well-Known Member
i like mush never tryed acid, mush makes me crack up at every thing i like it for watching movies and playing games ever once and a blue moon i love the feeling the tingle and the laughing at nothing


Well-Known Member
On acid Colors where more vivid, the feeling of inner piece with the world.
Shrooms had amazing visuals, Everything bent and warped. Faces morphed in frames, looking at yourself in the mirror on acid or shrooms can lead to an ego death.

shrooms had more racing thoughts but they where positive.
lsd you can gather your thoughts and enjoy your surrending as much as shrooms but shrooms you MUST and i mean MUST be in a good mind set before tripping. Shrooms can fucking run you into a brick wall... lsd not so much.

For your first trip I think you should do lsd.


Well-Known Member
I love to make shroom tea and have a mellow hulsanations did acid back in the 60s it was ok but I like pot better.


Active Member
I love shrooms, there actually pretty safe for you, basically the trip is just your body being food poisoned for like 5 hours then you come out of it.