Acid Microdose LSD - NYE Trip Report


Well-Known Member
New Years Eve 12/31/2018

Planning on tripping for New Years Eve. I typically microdose and decided since I happen to have a proper set and setting at the moment. I decided to eat more than I do.
I am by Myself after 3 p.m. NYE; with a pet companion.

EDIT: Have Me some white on white on deck. It is very potent stuff. I was suspicious it was needlepoint when I ate it in lower dosages but now since this was the first trip I have had with this batch I am wondering if it might be white fluff. It was sold to Me as 'orange sunshine'.

Got Meself a good nights sleep and woke up 12/31 Morning.

9:15 a.m. - 1 microdose [20 mics]

2:15 p.m. - 2 microdoses [approximately 35-40 mics]
-Tracers, trails, slight glow, and visual enhancement. Almost instantly after administering the second two.
Mind is kind of going into weird places. I like to keep Myself distracted with entertainment to prevent My mind going into a bad place. It also helps Me to not care what anyone thinks about Me.

4:21 p.m. - 4 microdoses [approximiately 80 mics]

5:00 p.m. - Sweaty hands and feet, some mild muscle aches but nothing terrible or overwhelming.
Pretty sensitive to energy.
Waiting to peak...

5:41 p.m. - General sense of euphoria. Not as high as I thought I was going to be.
Not as sensitive to energy and more comfortable. Focus / distractions greatly increased.
Excited for the future. Slightly introspective and motivated to make a change but not like higher doses.
Mind is still in a weird place but I like it now... A lot. Still surprised I'm not getting that many visuals.
I must be coming down off the other microdoses and I feel like I want to go out a party at the club.

5:46 p.m. - I still feel like I could eat more acid but I feel like I am in a good place and don't want to ruin it.
Still visual enhancement but not many visuals as before. Really was expecting more.
TBC... [1 hour and 25 minutes after eating last 4 microdoses]

5:48 p.m. - Content. Very slight ego death effects.

5:51 p.m. - Out of no where just got a weird tingle in My spine, hands sweaty, and feeling of anticipation.
Visuals are starting to reappear. Uncanny body / psychological feelings [itching, over analyzed thoughts, tremors..etc]. I feel like My mind is going up and down on a rollercoaster; metaphorically.

6:10 p.m. - Feeling a bit tired and hungry.
Still feeling weird [good/bad]. Kind of don't have any appetite at all, out of no where.

6:20 p.m. Just got some cool, eerie theatrical effects while smoking some grass. [Lighting, elements...etc]
The grass makes My visual field look more cartoony and video game like. [1 hour and 59 minutes after eating the last 4 microdoses]

6:25 p.m. Even though the cannabis has calmed certain effects down, it has enhanced the visual aspects.
Feeling very contradictory. Distractive thought patterns. The cannabis makes Me over analyze things. Feeling that euphoria again. Like an enhanced cannabis body high.

6:28 p.m. - The cannabis has seemed to alter My experience, completely.
I can see why it may make or create someone's trip to be either better or worse [set and setting].
For Me, it is better. A lot better.

6:37 pm. - Extreme enjoyment and performances of sing and dance. Especially with more grass.
Deep appreciation for music. The cannabis seemed to bring this about.

6:45 - Going to go get some grub now. This food is quite rather amazing. WoW! I feel like this soup is changing My life; it's so scrumptious.
Profound thoughts, over analyzations, and meaningful moments. Eager Beavers and Hopeful Butterflies.

6:55 - Feeling tribal. Trippy moments and noticeable psychedelia [abnormal things happening].
Astral mind channeling / tricks and distractions; this effect is rather peculiar.
Auditory hallucinations [someone sneezing in the next room; that is obviously not there].

7:00 p.m. - Still seeing obvious cartoony enhancement type visuals and shimmering. I am definiately peaking. It most likely started 30 minutes ago.
Sense, emotions, and thoughts are amplified and very sensitive. Mild - slight rush of exhilaration and ecstasy.
That body high is really a thing tonight, Mates.

7:08 p.m. - Feeling like that rollercoaster is at it's peak again. Boost of energy, compassion, and playfulness.
Some designs and patterning on surfaces that seem to have a substance to it [hologram wavy-like effect].

7:12- Imagine a person meditating; with long, brown hair and a beard, listening to a didgeridoo.
That is where I'm at, Mates.

7:30 - Spiritual talk.

7:36 p.m. - Spine tingle again. Out of freakn' no where, man.
Just had a bit of a hilarious, novel moment there. Ego flux. Egoless influx. Contradictions.

7:42 p.m. - Eased temper. Knocked over a bowl of water and didn't bother Me at the slightest bit to clean it up.

7:48 p.m. - About to go smoke some ganj.

7:57 p.m. Just got some more cool, eerie theatrical effects while smoking some more grass. [Lighting, elements...etc]. More distractive thought patterns. Creative inspiration and forgetfulness.
Odd and abnormal, unfiltered behavior and speech.

8:10 p.m. - Super energy duper fun bounce time.

8:15 p.m. - Extreme enjoyment, balanced zen, and interesting discoveries involving inner core work.

8:45 p.m. - Incredible synchronicities and unforgettable, meaningful memories; pertaining to goals and dreams.

WoW ;

8:52 p.m. - Kind of feeling a bit nauseated and dizzy from moving around so much the last 45 minutes.
Slight headache but nothing to really complain about. Just to report.
Going to catch breathe, drink some water, and take it easy.
Cotton spit / meditation nectar. Like after running [Very healing].

8:58 p.m. - I did not vomit but I feel much better. Like I have just been healed or severely relieved.
Slight body aches and nausea still slightly apparent.
Belly breathing and having proper form helps a lot [This can take a lot of practice, Mates].

9:05 p.m. - Deep appreciation, warm guidance [synchronicity], and awareness.

9:15 p.m. - Just smoked some more green. Having interesting intuitions about things from the past.
Peaking effects are most definitely tapering off. Feeling like I want to take more LSD, seeing as IT IS NYE. [4 hours and 54 minutes after eating the last 4 microdoses]

9:55 p.m. - Decided not to take more LSD and to take a shower instead. Absolutely refreshing.
Closed eye visuals are barley visible; slightly entertaining.
Third eye visons - NWO [i.e. togetherness, oneness with the universe...etc].
There was a moment there where I felt a great sense / knowing of a collective feelings / thoughts.
Slight sense of synesthesia and profound resonance with several dynamics, feelings, and elements.
Pupils are slightly dilated.

10:00 p.m. - Feeling like I am coming down. My mind feels slightly exhausted.
Still feeling the energetic / psychological effects of LSD and mild visuals / hallucinations [glowing, slight trails, You can feel the music / environment and sense it on a whole different level...etc]
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10:20 p.m. - Feeling quite... Silly.

10:25 p.m. - Having the hankering to smoke more cannabis. I could smoke marijuana for ages on LSD.

10:30 p.m. Noticeably coming down and feeling a bit tired. Going in and out of the trip.
Euphoria / mood lift is dulled down and not as prevalent anymore.
But then it absolutely comes back in waves.
Sense of belonging / excited but bored at the same time but then the next moment is very interesting.
I feel refreshed though and excited for the future. I feel cannabis will make Me feel more immersed into the coming down effects and not so drained mentally.
It'll possibly even prepare My slumber after the New Year festivities.

10:50 p.m. - Feeling like My emotions are on and off. Like a switch but not in a vast way. I want that feeling back. Feeling like this could lead to urges. Maybe it's in the air? It is NYE...

11:00 p.m. - Sinking deep and getting caught up in My mind. I'm an experienced psychonaut and find this rather enjoyable.
Especially when I am feeling comfortable, relaxed and at ease.

11:04 p.m. - Profound and deep memory flashback of perception to a past LSD trip at 500 micrograms.
Realized a strong sensitivity to what I do and say; on a profound spiritual level. [This effect is not here when I am not on 60+ micrograms of LSD]

11:10 p.m. - Still deep in My mind... WoW.
Personal synchronicities are still bountiful.

11:19 p.m. - "...dancing around like the Keebler Elf..."

11:20 p.m. - Still feeling deep appreciation, warm guidance [synchronicity], and awareness.
Visuals effects are still here but turned down [trails, slight CEV, patterning on surfaces, shimmering].

11:28 p.m. - Just experienced another type of flashback / hallucination / mild synesthesia.
Tasted a green, sour, sweet tart candy that is not there.

11:30 p.m. - Feeling very tired. Some personal feelings / empathy emerge; slightly.
Still some odd, unfiltered behavior.

12:00 a.m. - HAPPY NEW YEAR, MATES! *Puff Puff* :weed:
Bumping trop house / future bass new years count down mixtape.

12:07 a.m. - Enjoying the sounds of fire works going off in the distance, with the door wide open.
Energy arises; with a seltzer or two.

12:12 p.m. - "Let's get this party started!!!"

12:13 p.m. - Trying to get Myself to eat these two hand sandwiches.
Bumping, LOUD.

12:14 p.m. - I am laughing so hard right now.

12:16 p.m. - This is amazing x 2 [7 hours and 55 minutes after eating the last 4 microdoses at 4:21 p.m.]

12:17 a.m. - Strong, icicle harmonic synchronicity. Complimentary music / temperature

12:22 a.m. - Sense of 'egolessness' present. Empathy and compassion.

12:25 a.m. - HAHAHA!!!! Dubstep is hilarious right about now, Mates. :fire:

12:27 a.m. - My face is red and rising in temperature I am laughing so hard.

12:30 a.m. - This song is sick!!! More deep appreciation, warm guidance [synchronicity], and awareness.

12:33 a.m. - Clear, ego death like effects. This is a clean LSD trip for Me [Which is rare].

12:38 a.m. - THIS MUSIC IS AMAZING!!!!!! :P I feel some people are mad at Me but I don't give a rat's ass.

12:40 a.m. - Signs are being communicated.

12:42 a.m. - This mix is amazing. I must say again...

12:43 a.m. - I cannot believe how high I still am and how much energy I still have.
Must have been the over lapping, schedule of the microdosages.

12:46 a.m. - This is like a psychedelic rollercoaster, promise.

12:48 a.m. - I'm getting tired, Mates.

12:52 a.m. - I feel like I'm all over the place; like I'm on MDMA [High energy].
Not sure if this is normal or just the New Year's vibes.
Still experiencing some hallucinations [i.e. sounds, average enhancement, astral projections...etc]

1:00 a.m. - 1:12 a.m. - Music going with everything; in a bizarre and comical way.

1:10 a.m. - This mix is unbelievable.

1:14 a.m. - Hallucinated a slimy thing on My fingers that vanished. Starting to calm down and relax again.

1:20 a.m.- This music is amping Me up, man and starting to go with everything again.
Dream / relative synchronicity/s [important connections].

1:25 a.m. - This music can take Me far.
I am so deeply connected to and have much respect and admiration for this music.

1:34 a.m. - WoW - More deep appreciation, warm guidance [synchronicity], and awareness.

1:36 a.m. - The mix is over. Silence is very strange and rather odd.

1:37 a.m. - 2:00 a.m. - Watched the rest of a classic film. Very content.

2:20 a.m. - All back down now. Going to smoke some grass and call it. Extremely tired.
[9 hours and 59 minutes after eating the last 4 microdoses]

2:50 a.m. - Strong ESP type phenomena. This is where the trip can turn, people.

3:05 a.m. - Vast increase of energy and boost of stamina.

3:12 a.m. - Still live; like a silent bob wire. Very dry, cotton mouth.

3:25 a.m. - Absolutely have come all the way back down; with lingering, fryed effects [LSD hang over].
Very tired. Must be getting some sleep now. Even though, I do still have some energy.

3:31 a.m. - Sleep... :sleep:

New Years Day 01/01/2019

9:23 a.m. - Slept very well. Very comfortable and barley any sleeping interruptions.
Not as hung over as I thought but still hung over. Nothing some food, water, and cannabis can't fix.
Excited to eat some food and get this day started. Thinking about dropping one single microdose.
Will keep updates, soon.

9:30 a.m. - Dropping one, single, big microdose [25-35ugs]. Not feeling any triggers or hang over effects, at all.

9:34 a.m. - Feeling a slight euphoria, energy boost, slight anticipation, and desirable anxiety.
It's like the microdose put Me back into the way I was feeling around 1:00 a.m. [after midnight].
Remembering many things from Yesterday and last night. Bringing Me into a very good place.
I am so glad I took that dose Yesterday. YES!!!!! :clap:

9:45 a.m. - No visuals to report, maybe some shimmering. Shower time. I wasnt shy with that shower knob.

10:30 a.m. - Getting chores and errands completed. Remembering why I am deeply, connected with LSD.
Some minor ticks but nothing of volatility.

11:05 a.m. - Just smoked some herb. Feeling lazy but if focused I can be motivated. About to eat some food.
Feeling the music and dance moves, a little bit.
Typical microdose behavior and effects, maybe a little slowed down due to Yesterday's events.

11:39 a.m. - This is just what I needed there, Mates. One of the best LSD trips I have had in a while.
I would consider this experience a low tripping dosage, with barley any side effects.
I did have an extra amount of cannabis on Me, just in case I would run out and made sure I ate correctly.

11:44 a.m. - This food is amazing. Getting back into My normal routine.

Total Experience: Approximately 110-140 micrograms of LSD, total.

Thanks for viewing this thread and into this adventure I had.
I am a very experienced LSD user and very glad to share these types of reports with You all.
Please excuse any negative comments or posts from other accounts.

'Til next time.
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I just smoked some grass and WoW... I feel great and remembering so much of the trip.
Very glad I can look back on what I wrote to help Me remember even more.
I am changed for the better and I am very excited to eat this much acid again in the near future.

Perhaps the next two weeks? Once that blasted groundhog peaks It's head out.