Achive genetics duct tape fems.

5 watt diode

Well-Known Member
Going to look for a keeper in this single pack of ductape. So far 100%germ rate using a paper towel. Placed into some seed starting mix and then top dressed with build a soil lite. Plants are doing good. 20240824_210634.jpg20240826_195806.jpg20240902_210034.jpg

5 watt diode

Well-Known Member
2 weeks later and I went ahead and transplanted them. I did not like the store bought seed soil mix and I never have good growth or roots. But it's the only mix that doesn't give me any damping off. I wish the plants were at least twice the size. Let's see if this soil mix I threw together works out. 80/20 promix and wormcasting with a tablespoon of dte 444 in each pot. See you in another week.20240909_214319.jpg