Ace Seeds Golden Tiger, Malawi, or Lao Sativa?


New Member
Planning to grow either Golden Tiger, Malawi or Lao Sativa from Ace seeds. I've heard reports that Malawi is mind blowing so I am very interested in growing one of these. Figured I'd ask following growers how their grows of these Sativas went and maybe what to look out for in the future. Smoke reports would be very handy too.

Should I use bigger pots then the normal 5 gallon Indica ones since the Sativa will be growing for 18+ weeks? Maybe a 10 gallon? I figure the roots would expand more having double the grow time. Are there any good additives that growers use more for Sativas? I run most of the Advanced Nutrients line currently. If there is anything else I am missing or any other advise please let me know and I say presh too you! Be safe and live life everyone.


Well-Known Member
others can chime in bc they have more experience but i have always heard that the rule of thumb for these type of plants is to not feed them heavy and tie/bend/lst them to control them since most wanna shoot for the sky. some people do 12/12 from seed or find a good momma(which takes months) and run her cuts to reduce flowering time. depending on veg time- 5 gals imo is enough unless u plan on growing trees. best wishes and let us know next year how your smoke turned out, your looking at a tough job doing these strains- hope you get the best smoke of your life bud! best wishes and good growing.


Well-Known Member
I am growing 3 golden tigers (3/4- females) I vegged them out (for 6 weeks) and grew them for 4 weeks in flower before transplanting to 5 gals. I lightly amended my happy frog soul, and feed with water and teas.

2 phenos stayed short and one stretched. The shorter phenos are the Malawi while the tall one is Thai... I've read from dubi (the breeder) the short ones are desirable and finish around 14-16 weeks, the Thai phenos around 18 weeks.

The Malawi's should finish earlier than golden tiger (if you go that route)