Accidentally cut off a nice bud from near the top!


i know, im a complete idiot. it was an accident though. im 5 weeks into flowering & some of my larger fan leaves are yellowing & shriveling up. so i like to remove them. instead of pullin them off with my fingers i usually take a sharp pair of mini-pruners & just snip them off near the main stem. well, tonight i cut the leaf AND the damned branch right below it, it was near the top so of course it had a nice ass bud on it. has this happened to any of u before? have i pushed my flowering time back? hell, ive even read that my girl might go into shock! & btw, i wont be using the pruners anymore.


Well-Known Member
No your all good you just wrecked the best part of the plant. that's how you learn from your mistakes. Use your finger's and always twist and pull up, never down as the odd one will rip all the way down. Hell I cut my fingers a few times trimming and now I use my hands and enjoy the finger hash. Spend time with your ladies and you will alway know what's going on. :leaf:


ok woodsmaneh, im glad to hear that. when someone mentioned "shock" i got a bit worried. i can handle losing 1 nice bud, its 5' tall & ive got 3 more ladies just as big. & ur right, ive damn sure learned from that mistake. thanks woodsmaneh


Well-Known Member
Dont cut fan leaves off your plant unless its brown or the plant is very leafy. Dont worry about the plant looking pretty by trimming any leaf that is not dark green. It will be fine just wont have a main cola.


allright guys, +rep for all of u! i was hoping to hear what u all basically said, "no real harm done". im even thanking u mattman, ur a silly person arent u? & btw, i did smoke it...if it wouldve given me more of a body high, i'd b choppin those girls down now, b/c i'll tell u, i spent 10 mins lookin for my phone & it was in my hand the whole time! i cant wait to see what a few more weeks are gonna do to them!!!


Well-Known Member
allright guys, +rep for all of u! i was hoping to hear what u all basically said, "no real harm done". im even thanking u mattman, ur a silly person arent u? & btw, i did smoke it...if it wouldve given me more of a body high, i'd b choppin those girls down now, b/c i'll tell u, i spent 10 mins lookin for my phone & it was in my hand the whole time! i cant wait to see what a few more weeks are gonna do to them!!!
Haha, I guess man, I mean I was being serious..... The rooting hormone would possibly allow it to grow back into the stem... hell you could have done it without the hormone.. plants have the ability to repair themselves just like we do.


Well-Known Member
Haha, I guess man, I mean I was being serious..... The rooting hormone would possibly allow it to grow back into the stem... hell you could have done it without the hormone.. plants have the ability to repair themselves just like we do.
I've never tried that before, but weed plants are crazy resilient when it comes to stress. The can take a lot of abuse lol.