Accidental First Grow


Well-Known Member
So I came across 3 seeds in my 1/8th, so I decided why not give it a shot? So right now I'm germinating my seeds. Unfortunately I don't have any pics of the seeds but I got a pick of the mother. Should be interesting how this turns out...will keep updates as "major events" happen


Well-Known Member
yea man keep us updated, might be some good stuff, looks like some semi decent bud in the picture. You goinna go soil or hydro?


Well-Known Member
Well today I'm going to prep the cups for the seeds that'll go in either tomorrow night or saturday!


Well-Known Member
I got a couple of noob questions: does cfl's produce any heat and they are the 13 Watts right? And because I'm doing 3 seeds (lets say they all grow female and healthy) how bad is the smell going to be? Smell up my room? My house?


Well-Known Member
From what I heard it can stink up a house if it's powerful enough. You'll probably wanna set up something to neutralize the odor. If you're only growing a few plants and Ozium dispenser may work.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
I grow mainly strains right now like Northern Lights, because they do not put off much of a smell at all. I grow right in my apartment i have right now. You can not smell it very much at all, not really noticable as weed for sure. but then there are strains that stink to all get out. So it depends on the strain.


Well-Known Member
Damn I wish I knew what the mother was, I hope an ozium dispenser and incense works. Another noob question: After germinating do I have a light on all the time until they sprout?

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
do not need to, just keep them a little warm. then once they break the top, put the light on very lightly, and slowly over days move it closer.


Well-Known Member
Yes i had no light on mine until they poke through... But continuous light until you decide its time to start flowering... Cant tell you when i'm not there yet but at least 12" of growth might be good...

Also you are going to want to get those lights close to the plant or when they do sprout they will stretch and fall over...

Especially if you are using cfl they do not get to hot...

My 2 cents... Read the grow FAQ... =]


Well-Known Member
I also hope this project won't make a very noticeable impact on the electric bill, then the P's might get suspicious. But I do run a fan every night I sleep so I don't think running a couple of cfl's will be too much.


New Member
hell know, man there looking 4 light! when you see the start of true leaves then go 16-18 0n 6 off depending of what u want, keep in total dark till you see this,then light, something like kinda buzzed


Well-Known Member
And you will most likely never be able to pull it off...

Plus it puts your mom/pops in more jeopardy then you, if you are to get busted... It's there house, they will catch most of the heat...


Well-Known Member
They know, they don't want the smell too obnoxious and to keep it out of sight if anyone enters my room.


Well-Known Member
Seeds did not break open after 3 days, I decided to plant anyway (2 days ago), no sprouts yet (still hopeful)