AC exhausted through tent/hood?

Hey growers, just starting back up after an extended hiatus. While preparing my space for the warmer months I decided to try venting a portable AC unit from outside the tent, through an aircooled magnum xxl 1000w in a 5x5x6.5 tent. I have a 420cfm fan exhausting air from the tent out through a basement window. I also have a 6" intake fan pulling air through a carbon filter from outside the tent. My room temp stays around 70-75f with the AC on, the tent temp consistently stays about 10deg warmer than the room.

I'm sure this will be less of an issue here in the coming colder months but I'd like to get everything dialed in for next year if possible. I'm just looking for general critique or wondering if anyone has tried something similar with good/bad results. The AC doesn't seem to make a difference in the ambient room temp after several hours in use. I'm wondering if the heat from the unit or exhaust might be dissipating through my hood (or perhaps back through my carbon filter in the tent?) and defeating the purpose. There is negative pressure in the tent when the exhaust fan is on so I'm kinda stumped. I have a feeling I may be overthinking this a bit so thanks in advance for any feedback haha

