About to start insulating the loft....

hello all friends of the green. i'm a first timer at this and i'm quite excited about getting into my new hobbie/project. i've been doing lots of research online, talking to people that have and are doing it. got a book today(the growers bible). so here we go!

just finished putting the floor of the down in the loft. gonna start insulating tomorrow(rockwool type stuff between the rafters and plaster board on the pitched roof). then i'm gonna build the room(alot of people say a room within a room is better to control temperature and humidity). also, to keep in any escaping heat. saw a video on youtube about the pork choppers in the sky using FLIR(forward looking infra-red) cameras, and you can blatantly see the difference of heat between the roofs.

so has anyone got any advise as to which materials to use to build the room? MDF or ply? 4x2 or 2x2 for the frame? how many outlets to cut? all advise will be mucho appreciated! one step at a time.


Active Member
I know that police using choppers to find grow rooms has been deemed illegal by the supreme court as it is an invasion of privacy. Not that that means anything, they could still fly over if they wanted to, but it is much less likely now.


Well-Known Member
FLIR is not a worry in the US. it is in some countries. as for materials,the size dictates what you use. up to a 8x10 room,I would just use 2x2s and as for walls, whatever is cheaper in your area. you could even get away w/ blk&white poly. a big concern is power, how much do you plan to need & is it availabe?
When insulating, make sure you dont block off all the vents.your attic will need to breathe.
good luck.