About to start first grow, Help?


Hey RIU, finally about to start my first grow this weekend probably if my seeds get here when they are supposed to (don't fuck with me customs) and I have a few questions before i screw something up haha.

1. I will be using a LEC light. With the Phantom reflector and Prism ballast so, what would be the best distance from the plants during its growth with these lights. Seedling, veg, flower?

2. What kind of training should I do in a 3x3 tent with 4 plants in 5 gallon smart pots to utilize my space availbe and for light penetration.

3. What is a good beginners nute line... I will be using FFOF (as of right now, have not decided to use any amendments, just straight FFOF soil.)

4. During the grow... Do my clip fans and exhaust fan stay on constantly or do they have off times?

5. Any other tips you have for a first time grower. :weed:

I will post pictures of my setup once I get home for critics too. I will be doing Fem seeds for my first grow. (2x Blue cheese from Barneys and 2x Lemon walker OG from DNA) ill be doing a Noob grow log too so everyone can watch me (hopefully) flourish and so you all can have a part in someone's first grow and help me through it if it comes to that.

Thanks for being a awesome community RIU.. I have learned so much from everyone and you guys have been nothing but helpful... This first grow is for you guys/gals!:bigjoint:



Garrett Richardson

Well-Known Member
As a first time grower myself, I found it was hard to maintain just 2 plants, first suggestion would be getting a temp/Rh reader that way you have a basic understanding of your growing enviornment