about fox farm nutrients


Well-Known Member
when using fox farm grow big nutrients, how much do you give the plant per week? how do i know how much "grow big" to add to the water? from what ive read (High Tech Garden Supply) its 2-3teaspoons of it per gallon of water every 14 days. so should each plant get about 2-3 teaspoons every 14 days?


Well-Known Member
Start at 1/4 strength. Add 1/4 teaspoon to 1 gallon of water. PH test the liquid. Adjust if needed. Water as needed (about 2 or 3 times a week). That is the ultra simple version.


Well-Known Member
assuming im watering 2-3 times a week, does that mean that each time i water the plants i feed them 1/4 tsp per gallon, or do i only feed once or so a week and just water as usual the other times? and if im watering each plant with 5 gallons of water, that means that theyre being fed 1.25tsp of nutrients right?


Well-Known Member
well ive been researching and in some of the grow journals thats how much they were using. Ill try to clear me questions up real quick for you:

1. How much water would you suggest be given to a plant ON AVEREGE per feeding, and per week?

2. How often should you use fox farm nutirents on each plant, and how much?


Well-Known Member
Depends how big your plant is. I water my plant in a 5 gallon container twice a week and give her about a total of 3 gallons. Since I give the Fox Farm at 1/4 strength I give a total of 3/4 of a teaspoon. You go by how much each plant needs and uses. Every 4th time I just use plain water.


Well-Known Member
so you water 3 times a week, and use 1/4 strength every time, then the 4th time you just use plain water. What about if it rains a lot? do you just give them 3/4 tsp nutirents at the end of the week or somthing?


Well-Known Member
i water indoors with grow big 6.4.4 one cap full per gallon every watering about 36 hours in my containers. this 1/4 strength is very low. to each his/hr own


Uses the Rollitup profile
Pardon me for interrupting you dirt haulers, but you are growing in dirt, aren't you? And some pretty good dirt, too, in most cases. So why are you feeding with every watering? I've never used Foxfarm, but I'd say that is too much. Even at 1/4 strength, that is too often to feed.

If you're feeding every time, how is it different from hydro? :blsmoke:

In soil, let the plants roots search for food and water, and that will increase the root mass, and the plant will be bigger, and so will the buds.

And you are watering too often too. No matter what your pot size, and plant size, you should let the entire pot dry out before adding more. The only way to know when that time is, is to withhold all water until the leaves start to wilt. Water then and the leaves will perk right back up. Note the time required, and you have your watering timing.

HTH :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
hmmmm interesting. So what do you think about watering once or twice a week under normal conditons? and if it rains a lot, skip the watering that particular week? Maybe giving ff nutrients only once a week, maybe half strength?


Well-Known Member
I have one plant in a 5 gallon container and I water it maybe once a week to give you an idea. Also the way I do my ferts is 1/2 str almost every watering When I notice fert burn at the tips maybe 1-3mm of it I use water for the next watering.


Well-Known Member
For outdoor plants that are in the ground, potroast makes a valid point.....inground plants that have decent soil do well in searching for nutrients and water on their own. Benign neglect. I give my plants that are in the ground ferts only a couple of times a season. Depending on your climate you may have to water them, but I would only use water. let them get bigger by not feeding them! Unless your native soil sucks.....(you can test it,or have it tested.)

Container plants are a whole different situation.....I feed with almost every watering, outdoor container plants can take almost twice the dilute strength of fertilizer as the same plant indoors, even under a 1000 watt! The suns energy translates to more rapid growth and the corresponding need for more nutrients to grow big and strong. I use a "soilless" soil for my outdoor containers....no dirt....ProMix BX....so I add all of the nutrients.
Start off with a weaker fert mix and increase as plant shows robust growth without burnt tips.

IMO, Foxfarm is overpriced, I get same, or better results from less expensive mixes.


Well-Known Member
Fox Farm might very well be over priced but in my little tiny head if it works I am happy with it. Sometimes I am so simple minded. LOL


Well-Known Member
mogie, you are absolutely correct, Foxfarm works very well!
It will grow strong vigorous plants and potent sticky buds.!