A way to make 2 main coalas


Well-Known Member
ive seen people with plants that have 2 large coalas instead of one.. i know somewhat about it im not sure exactly what to cut to form two coalas correctly.. any ideas?


Well-Known Member
When your plant gets to 4 nodes cut the top off. 2 branches will grow up to become 2 tops.


Well-Known Member
I've got my plants tied down horizontally so my plants have basicly grown about 4 future cola sites with out cutting.


Well-Known Member
Yup, you can get as many colas as you so care to. Simply continue topping your plant. The one main cola becomes two; the two become four; the four become eight... and you get the idea.

I topped the shit out of a sativa that I have growing right now during its veg state. Now, as it's grown through the screen (I'm growing it via ScrOG), damn near every branch looks like a main cola. To be honest, I've lost track of where the original cola is...



Well-Known Member
This is known as topping but first a node is the little intersection where the leafs connect to the stems.

Once your plant has 5-6 nodes you can cut the stem just below the newest set of leafs under your top node. Soon two knew growth tips will grow from the node below. Your main colas develop from these growth tips. Heres the only image i could find that explains it.

credit goes too mogie https://www.rollitup.org/general-marijuana-growing/13820-fimming-topping-101-a.html

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
I ----top, pinch, bend, f.i.m., cut, shake, shag, twist, pull, push, drag, lift, pull, snap and any other means that will make my mothers birth plentiful clone material only!!! (I like to produce one big fat stanky greasy, dripping with dank cola when I hit the flowering).


Well-Known Member
simply pinch off the very center growth at the very beginning of growth...i do it at the second or third node...works fine....check these out....you can keep pinching them off every 3 nodes or so and you will continue to get branching



Well-Known Member
are thanks guys i was goin to upload some pics today to show you where im out i would like some imput i have 20 outdoors doing really good and two indoors il post a pic of the indoor before i top it to get a better sense of what im doing and where to clip i do get the general idea though thank you ALOT


New Member
haha i burnt the top of mine because a light fell on it so i just choped the new top growth off not i have 3 main stems comming off :hump:

what ya think?



Active Member
is there a limit to how many times you can cut??....if i cut it like 20 times lets say, and tie it up, down, around, and all other fukin ways to keep it up.......would i end up with a bunch of big buds......or a bunch of small buds.......or would it even work......why am i still talking???.....


Well-Known Member
This is known as topping but first a node is the little intersection where the leafs connect to the stems.

Once your plant has 5-6 nodes you can cut the stem just below the newest set of leafs under your top node. Soon two knew growth tips will grow from the node below. Your main colas develop from these growth tips. Heres the only image i could find that explains it.

credit goes too mogie https://www.rollitup.org/general-marijuana-growing/13820-fimming-topping-101-a.html
and this is what it looks like at 5 weeks



Well-Known Member
is there a limit to how many times you can cut??....if i cut it like 20 times lets say, and tie it up, down, around, and all other fukin ways to keep it up.......would i end up with a bunch of big buds......or a bunch of small buds.......or would it even work......why am i still talking???.....
The more bud sites your plant has the more it has to spread out its bud production between them. Over all yield will most likely will gain some but the overall size of the buds will be diminished. Overall Id say 3-4 tops are good. I did some bondage on a couple plants a while back and they grew beautifully but id prefer 3 or so nice sized colas over the 50+ little buds that added up to close to the same.


Well-Known Member
is there a limit to how many times you can cut??....if i cut it like 20 times lets say, and tie it up, down, around, and all other fukin ways to keep it up.......would i end up with a bunch of big buds......or a bunch of small buds.......or would it even work......why am i still talking???.....
from what I understand some strain top better than other and some dont do as well topped at all....I would ask some of the more experienced growers about specific strains if you wanna top your plants that much


Well-Known Member
I might have to disagree with you, Code420. I've had one gal that I've probably topped 15+ times thus far, and each stem looks like it's going to develop into a full, lush cola.

Here she is vegging out...

And here she is now...



Well-Known Member
Sorry but its essentially basic knowledge. If your plant has one place to concentrate all of its energy vs 15+ that once place will be bigger than any of the 15. But you will probably get more over all yield from the 15 depending, like honkeytown said, on the strain. I've topped the shit out of plants before too and it turns out great, believe me, I'm not trying to knock it, it just doesn't produce as large of buds. How far along are your plants?