A success cloning Autoflower!???


Active Member
Ok here is where everybody gets to chime in and say it cant be done but I have roots.
Heres the thing. I had some pesky fungus nats in my auto flowers, I performed an Az-Max drenching on them, This caused a shutoff switch to trigger in my Auto flowers, 2 weeks I waited for any growth at all. none nothing no new pre flowers nothing.
They did take off and bloom.
Next bunch of free auto flower seeds. I did the same thing. This time I waited 2 days then cloned them.They now have roots. One in a pot. It is veging nice.
So In conclusion. A person can get the clones to root, And can get a clone 14 inches tall. so far ....... I will return to this thread with final outcome of flower quality, size and weight when that data is complete. peace


Active Member
No one ever said you can't clone a auto flower, You can cut as many clones as you want, but they are all going to Flower and die.


Well-Known Member
me i always told peeps dat it can be done
might be a little harder sum can clone a stone sum cat clone nutin b
ut all Mj can be cloned but sum is worthless to do

because of sum of the laws of clones like clone an mom are sme age -so both to finish then die off in about ten weeks max


Active Member
Don't know if I can take them all the way but Im going to try I have one at 14 inches lots of nodes now producing flowers they started at about 12 inches probably be a half of what I'm used to seeing out of this but worth a try. The azmax seems to have shut the doner mothers off as well as there clones all I'm seeing is roots no top growth yet with the remainder of the clones the first one started out very slow then shot up 4 inches, in 5 days. quite an experiment. Azmax seems to have switched the maturation process off for now. peace


Active Member
yes I've researched and experimented with advance culture cloneing in a controlled enviroment using infered and bacteriastat lights ( like for keeping bacteria from growing underlight. used in brewing process. This thing with the Az-max is purely an accidental discovery. I would not mind a decreased crop from clones, and is probably going to end in failure to perpetuate them continually but an extra crop from auto is still pretty cool.(If the weight numbers are in line with my cost to opperate the experiment room).