*A simple Scrog question please*


Well-Known Member
Hello to those looking in and hopefully to those that do Scrog grows, this is my first one...''

I have now switched to flowering a week in second week now and am now letting the plant bud sites grow up throught the net to whatever height it needs.

My question is the nodes, :lol: lets call them branches for convenience sake get pulled down i have now sort of helped it out a bit by pulling the branches through with the bud head is this what you should do?

If i didn't they would get damaged me thinks or snap off due to the 2' 2' square netting am i doing right here?


Active Member
Sounds right if I understand what you’re saying. The tops of the branches grow though the screen, To keep the canopy even and uniform you pull the branches that are growing through the screen back down and farther away on the grid this way the other lower branches can reach the screen and become the canopy, as well, the sites that start to lay horizontally under the screen as you bend the branches become part of the canopy as well. You can do this while in veg and continue for 2 -3 weeks during flower, depending on the strain.