A Retarded AK48


Active Member
Hi guys,

I got a 10 pack of AK48 from Nirvana. 9 of them grew nicely except one. it took an extra week to sprout out the seed. I was not going to just let the slow one die so i forced it to eventually grow.

Wierdly as it started growing, the leaves came out all fucked up. Some of them came out upside down. One leaf was completely round...

Its about 2 foot now and has some normal leaves, still slighty behind its sisters but has grown into a Y kinda form.

What is to become of this wierd retard of a plant? If its female will it make some retarded bud? Should i just kill it?



Well-Known Member
Oh it's okay I have let a hermie flower before and she produced a half ounce less than the other plants.

Do you have any pics?


Well-Known Member
its Genetics. seeds are like human babies. each one comes out different. each has its own unique "dna".

I have grown alot from seed and see this happen like 1/15 or so something just seems to be slow or retarted and the plant grows really funky. I have one now, the same 1 gaint upside down leaf instead of the first 2 little round ones it then alternated and tried doing 3 branches at once but spirald them up. Its now growing nicly but just behind the others. Made it interesting at the start :) I also do not believe that just because it grew funky that it will be a hermie. I believe that is determined later on in life, although it might have a dispostion to be one or the other but enviroment factors could change this.


stays relevant.
Every once in a while, you get a bad seed (literally) and it will grow up retarded (as you described)


Active Member
Dont kill it. I had a handicapped plant last time and produce some really good bud, albeit a smaller quantity because it was behind it sisters. Handicap buds are special.