A quick question of costley LED's


After looking over a few generally successful journals it seems the plants do extraordinarily well during the Veg stage while under LED's. From what I understand most are cautious to flower with the set up and switch to more traditional lighting.

Question 1: Is this because LED's are just terrible for flowering? Or is it because its just too damned expensive to get a rig going that can match the watts of traditional lighting methods?

Question 2: Has any looked into possibly creating their own LED systems?

For instance this 130w grow system on ebay is going for $435.95


Which in my opinion is absolutely crazy considering that each of the high power 1w diodes only runs for like a buck a piece.


So yeah you're paying about a buck a watt, which is not exactly monetarily feasible at lower watts but you could easily create a 200w LED set up for something (guesstimation) of about $240 bucks. A little wire, solder, time and ingenuity and I imagine that someone could run something together. Still expensive but not anything nearly outrageous as what some of these companies are advocating these things cost.

Not to mention you could easily put together a LED rig that the plant could use more effectively by tweaking diodes.

I'm very new, but I love doing research and reading these journals. You guys are really an inspiration to a newb wannabe.

If this post is in the wrong thread please feel free to move or delete. Thanks :-P


Well-Known Member
honestly if you have the money, people who have grown with a 600 watt MH/HPS and have also grown with a 600 watt LED said the results were somewhat equal for the amount of buds you get, but the LED light actually had a more effective high and an increased THC percentage

this said do you really want to pay that much more for the difference, i guess it depends on what your intentions are


Well-Known Member
honestly if you have the money, people who have grown with a 600 watt MH/HPS and have also grown with a 600 watt LED said the results were somewhat equal for the amount of buds you get, but the LED light actually had a more effective high and an increased THC percentage

this said do you really want to pay that much more for the difference, i guess it depends on what your intentions are

Any links?


Well-Known Member
if i can find it ill post the link, this was a while back but i have no reason to lie :P if you dont believe me do what you want but im telling the truth

ill see if i can find it


Well-Known Member
I believe you, you have no reason to lie lol. But i just want to see it myself, cause there are many people on this site that claim LED's are better than HPS/MH, but then I never get the proof.




Active Member
I wouldn't recommend building my own for the following reason; The high wattage LED's are mounted directly to heatsinks, much like the processor on your computer. So you would need to be able to work with metal core circuit boards and heat sinks in order to get a panel that runs cool enough. Supposedly, the diodes will burn up in a matter of seconds if not properly heatsinked and have a fan cooling the heatsink.


Some interesting comments. I have never tried the LED but saw first hand a system in action in the 6 week of flower. They were realy experienced growers but first time with LED.Their LED packs will be for sale on EBAY next month.They Had the right led package as it came from an authority in the field.Maybe its hard to beat good ol HPS.