A question for all you hydro guys.


Well-Known Member
in flower my temperatures were as low as 58 and it didnt hurt the plants so dont get bummed if it drops that low. Just check it every 24 hours.


Well-Known Member
p.s i was talking celcius not farenhiet thats how us brits do things lol

Which is odd, because our system of weights and measurements here in the US is called "Imperial" and is taken from.........the Brits!! Anyhow, I keep my reservoir at room temperature.


Well-Known Member
you there! You have enraged the wrath of my piggy war like ancestors!

The UK Weights and Measures Act of 1824, which not only modified the types and sizes of units, but renamed them from the English units of measurement to the Imperial System of Measurement.
This new standard was then introduced throughout the UK and its colonies at this time.

However, the USA had become independent prior to this and consequently had not adopted the Imperial system of measurement.
Instead, they had developed their own measurement standards, based on the English units system which was used throughout the States prior to independence.