A noob needs help with growbox idea


Well-Known Member
I think i am going to use this as my grow box...They cost 54$ at lowes and It seems perfect for me and its already painted white..Ill padlock it so noone can get in it unless they break it...noone will do that. I know I need fans...how many? I know I need a light...which? CFL work? they are alot cheaper then HID and ive seen alot of sucess with em in stealh micro grows. Carbon filter? I know u guys prolly got other shit to do but if someone wouldnt mind could someone plz gimme some ideas on how to build this into a growbox for as cheap as possible? Im not worried bout starting to many plants cuz I DO PLAN on spending the lil xtra for feminized seeds...or should I just get regular seeds? Let me know what u guys think..

23-5/8"W x 15-1/2"D x 31-3/4"H
these are the deminsions.

THanks guys



Well-Known Member
Let me remind I need absolute stealth with this( no big ass hoses or wires coming out thats visable...I have an empty entertainment cetner in my room and I plan on puttin gthis where the tv would normaly sit...I may end up putting in my closet idk... Also I am VERY TIGHT on money so...cheaper is definitly better.



Well-Known Member
the box will limit you. how high are you thinking of growing your plants? Isaw a thread on here where a guy used 3 rubbermaid totes stacked and its genius. Thats what i went to from something similar in dimension to what your talking of.


Well-Known Member
This is stealth...I cant have 2-3 rubbermaid tubs stacked on eachother with wires coming out and ducktape...it looks pretty suspecious...I made a new thread With the cabinet im growing in. Thanks for the reply though. If I didnt have to be so stealthy I prolly would be doing rubbermaid.

Lemme know what you think bout my other post!! I need advice