A new Grower , With Great protencial! HELP!!


Active Member
Hello Everyone im new to the site and new at growing. iv been reading and studying for the past couple weeks. i have recently bought a couple seeds to start off and waiting for them in the mail. i got them from www.worldwide-marijuana-seeds.com , as i herd this site was a good site to get them from. i bought 2 pineapple chunk , 1 eight ball kush , 1 Ak-48 , and also sending me 2 free seeds. all have the same flowering and veg period. and all are fem seeds as i learned that's the way to go .now as i wait for the seeds i have time to setup and buy supplies as i wait for the seeds to come in. Now what i need HELP with is everything else lol. i know a little about growing but dont know step by step in making these plants very high quality and high yield as i want. i know all i have to do is catch on how doing things right and then after that it will be like riding a bike and will be able to do it as i pleased because i know what im doing. SO PLEASE everyone n anyone who know a thing or 2 about growing correctly and successfully with these types of seeds and just know what there doing. SO if u could give me a list of supplies im going to need such as lights, soil ,nutrients and help with the grem step a;; the way to the hanging and curing step. also i have a buddy that is whilling to sell me a grow lab and a set of 342W 28000 lumen flue scent lights for $220, sound like a deal ?? So ONce again anyone please help with any info to helping me make this a success!

THANKYOU - Jeff :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Im not sure if that is going to be enough light if your growing all of those plants at once, with that light i would say you could probable grow 4 decent plants. and other then that you need soil, you can choose to buy some which I would suggest fox farm or you can mix your own but since you a beginner i wouldn't suggest it, now if your planning on doing an all organic grow you should be good but if your going to be using nutrients for the vegetative period and flowering period your going to need to by them ether online or at a local store.


Well-Known Member
I'm new also and can see another first timer has jumped ahead of me, I'm waiting for a book I ordered in the mail to help me get started. But anyways as far as soil and nutrients I hear organic is the way to go. I hear Fox Farm is the best quality organic soil mix. I've also been doing a little reading myself and there are methods of growing a higher yield regardless of strain except maybe lowriders. One of which is the Screen of Green Method where you grow your plant under a screen that it will grow through and using LST (Low Stress Training) you create a canopy resulting in more buds.
As far as germing I mean you can find videos all over youtube as well as in any growing help forum. From what I have seen dampening wet paper towel and sandwiching your seeds in it while in a blown up zip lock bag is the best method. This is done from 2 to 3 days. As far as how much it should be sprouted I don't know. I think the best thing to do is worry about your set up first and then just ask questions as you move along. Good luck on your grow though :), first timers give hope to people like me who are still working to be a first timer.


Active Member
I was planning only growing them in groups of 3 to 4 at one time . And iv herd during flowering (12hrs on 12hrs off) i should use HPS Lights . any idea what kind or where to get these lights ?? Cause all im going to have is the grow lab with the 342W Fl lights to start off. Other than that im going to have to worry about what else i need. But Thanks on the Help with the soil i should be Getting and i will be using neutrinos ,just not sure what kind? i know it will help the plant out alot. As of Germ the seeds i got it down pat. just gotta learn more about putting the stem of seed puttting up or down in the soil? and how long for veg period then when to switch the plant into a bigger pot then placing it under the HPS lights? I pretty much know how to go about all this Steps just learning each time to do each step is what im going to have to learn. As a begginer i learn more n more each day and thank you guys for putting your effort in a way for me and other Beginners lean towards some successful, Beautiful Nugs of Heaven ! :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Ah yeah totally, its one thing to read up on it and its another to actually do it. I'm convinced growing is an art especially indoors when its conditions depend on you. I will definitely follow along. I plan on doing a stealth grow and had just went and got a tall and wide pc case today.


Active Member
I think of it as a learning process. Definitely don't overthink it. It is a weed, it just wants to grow. I started with Fox Farms Ocean Forest. It's pretty hot, nute wise. So don't add nutes for a couple of weeks at least, just water. The line up of nutes that I have going is the Fox Farms Trio. For vegging you can use CFL's, but that might take a lot of bulbs. If it's convenient for you, you can find a lot of supplies from online. Just don't buy from the first site you see because prices may vary from site to site.


Well-Known Member
yea keep it simple .. and try to think logic .. its a plant .. weed .. you want to grow it inside .. what you need to do is to try to copy nature ..

it will need sun/light .. rain/water ... winds/fans .. and food/nutriens ..

you WILL also need a way to keep light out at night time (and I mean all lights) and also a way to keep odour in .. since they will stink .. realy bad ..

.. so a air/light seald room . with a ventilation and activ carbon filter is a must ..
then you can grow with no smell .. keep tempertures down and provide fresh air/co2 for your girls ..

about light .. many ways to go .. dont know anything about LED since they are new and costly .. and dont seems to be doing so great yet ..
guess they need more research ..

I use T5HO for Veg and a 600W HPS for flowering (more or less standard I belive)

about your "friends" light .. a bit expensiv I would say .. at fist glance ..

try to have a look at this site:


dunno just found it randomly .. but even seems to have a sale ..

atlest show your "friend" it so you might be able to get his for less ;)

but realy its a jungle out ther .. and ther are many ways to do this .. it also depense on your set up/space .. your $/wallet and how much effort you want to put in to this and what you expect ? and if you etc. go with a big MH/HPS you will also need a big ventilation aso ...

do some research .. but a nice set of fluorescent light is a good way to start out .. atlest for Veg. can do some more research/shopping wile they grow big under some nice T5HO lights .. I would strongly suggest you to go with T5HO (HO=high output) if you buy fluorescent and some of the right bulbs (6500K/2700K) stupid so safe pocket money and end up with sumthing that just dont do it for you ..

if 4 plants at the time is a goal for you (a lot of Ppl. who grow for them self do 2-8 .. I belive 4 is quite normal .. fit under a 4 foot T5HO lighting/HPS .. need 6-8 bulb fixtures if you want to go all the way .. 2 bulb can handle seedlings .. I have a 6 bulb and I use it for 4-6 weeks doing Veg .. then I veg a week with my HPS wile I go down in light time from 20 to 12 .. cut a hrs a day or so ..

agin .. many ways to do it .. if you have the money and space ..and maybe a AC if your live in a hot place ?
a nice tent with a 400/600W MH/HPS cool tube and a nice big ventilation/filter would be great Im sure ..


Well-Known Member
buddy that is whilling to sell me a grow lab and a set of 342W 28000 lumen flue scent lights for $220, sound like a deal ??

fist I would ask why 220 ? if he is a buddy 200 even sunds more like it ;)

also .. make sure the tubes is new or rather new .. bulbs last ½-1 year depending on how much you use em of course (T5 last longer then T8/T12 and wont loose as much light doing time) ..

old bulbs is dark at the end of the tube .. if they are old/dark .. tell him you wont buy them bulbs .. only the fixture .. get new bulbs .. right coulor (6500/2700 kelvin)

I found nice new fixtures ..with bulbs or with out ...from 2 -12 bulbs in size .. at prices from 30-350 $

look around .. don't throw money after sumthing that dont cut it .. do it right the fist time .. use a few hours to do some research .. then deside what might fit you based on that .. then do another 2 hours googleing for best prices .. best price might not allways be best .. remember shipping cost and ther is always a small risk buying stuff online .. try to use big/known shops .. see if they have address/phone number .. (avoyd Ebay .. if stuff cost a lot less ther are often a reason)

I mostly do some research/googling .. then see what it cost at my local hydro/grow shop .. if the diffrent is tiny I will buy it ther ..
nice to get it right away .. nice to get it ! ... and if sumthign is wrong or it breaks its also nice .. you also safe shipping as I said .. so diffrent is not allways that big ..

ETC. I could order a 100mm inline ventilation online for around 80$ but with shippin it was more like +85$ and I could surport my local shop and get it right away for 99$ and when I toald him about online prices he gave me the addabter for my filter for free (5$) and some advice ..

hope you can use some of it .. keep asking questions and try to do some research yourself .. ther are a lot of basic growing guids out ther .. google them and read them fist 3-5 .. will give you a nice picture of what to expect ..

here is one that is very nice and easy to use:


helpd me a lot in the start and I still use it often to look up stuff ..


Active Member
yea keep it simple .. and try to think logic .. its a plant .. weed .. you want to grow it inside .. what you need to do is to try to copy nature ..

it will need sun/light .. rain/water ... winds/fans .. and food/nutriens ..

you WILL also need a way to keep light out at night time (and I mean all lights) and also a way to keep odour in .. since they will stink .. realy bad ..

.. so a air/light seald room . with a ventilation and activ carbon filter is a must ..
then you can grow with no smell .. keep tempertures down and provide fresh air/co2 for your girls ..

about light .. many ways to go .. dont know anything about LED since they are new and costly .. and dont seems to be doing so great yet ..
guess they need more research ..

I use T5HO for Veg and a 600W HPS for flowering (more or less standard I belive)

about your "friends" light .. a bit expensiv I would say .. at fist glance ..

try to have a look at this site:


dunno just found it randomly .. but even seems to have a sale ..

atlest show your "friend" it so you might be able to get his for less ;)

but realy its a jungle out ther .. and ther are many ways to do this .. it also depense on your set up/space .. your $/wallet and how much effort you want to put in to this and what you expect ? and if you etc. go with a big MH/HPS you will also need a big ventilation aso ...

do some research .. but a nice set of fluorescent light is a good way to start out .. atlest for Veg. can do some more research/shopping wile they grow big under some nice T5HO lights .. I would strongly suggest you to go with T5HO (HO=high output) if you buy fluorescent and some of the right bulbs (6500K/2700K) stupid so safe pocket money and end up with sumthing that just dont do it for you ..

if 4 plants at the time is a goal for you (a lot of Ppl. who grow for them self do 2-8 .. I belive 4 is quite normal .. fit under a 4 foot T5HO lighting/HPS .. need 6-8 bulb fixtures if you want to go all the way .. 2 bulb can handle seedlings .. I have a 6 bulb and I use it for 4-6 weeks doing Veg .. then I veg a week with my HPS wile I go down in light time from 20 to 12 .. cut a hrs a day or so ..

agin .. many ways to do it .. if you have the money and space ..and maybe a AC if your live in a hot place ?
a nice tent with a 400/600W MH/HPS cool tube and a nice big ventilation/filter would be great Im sure ..
sounds like good advice ^^^

mighty g

I've heard about "fox farm" stuff,but I haven't been able to find it in nurseries around here.Is it a specialty thing?Is it availible on east coast?


Active Member
Slipon Thanks a lot for all the Great advise and pointers!!! My buddy said $220 for the grow tent and just the 342w fl lights . but most likely can get him down to $200:lol:. but i know i will need to go out n buy some more HPS lights for flowering stage and the soil (Fox Farm?). ill try n see if i can find the ones you mention . maybe walmart ? cause i live 10 min from one.. also another question i have is will i be able to do the veg stage and flowering stage all in the same tent???just going to have to change the light setup if i keep it in the same spot. and then there's the ventilation to worry about i have fans and i know the tent has vent holes??? is this good enough or should i try making something better?? Once Again Thanks for all the Help and once i get started on setting up and veggin,there sure will be pics up;-)! Hopefully my Pineapple chunk and Ak-48 as well with the 8Ball Kush come out Picture perfect:eyesmoke::bigjoint:


Active Member
Thanks For the Spelling advise! SomeOne Told me i didnt need to know how to speell to learn how to grow some Beautiful PLants, so i Told him im ALL for it bongsmilie


Active Member
roots organic , fox farms . either of those . I use stuff from the local forest products store myself . 100% organic with nutes already in it . That way i don't have to feed until plants are big enough to handle good amounts of food . As far as light goes you need to ask yourself what you are hope to yield . good lights and soil are what makes your yield happen . I can get 1 oz per plant with a 400 watt mh/hps setup . When you bump that up to a 600 or 1k it will increase yield a lot . I have no personal experience with floro's . the talk is they are weak but i've seen guys on here do pretty well with them . Check craigslist i bet you could find used 600 or 1000 watt setup fairly cheep . alot o guys this time of year move outdoor and sell off there indoor equipment . I've heard rumors of 1 lb plus per plant with 1k watt over each one . that's no beginner stuff there though. power bill comes into play when you start use the big lights too . Lots of things you left out . Best advice is given when all the info is on the table .


your setup here is what i would run.

600w hps for the amount you want to do now. 1000w hps if you want to expand a little up to 10-12 plants up to you

7 gal pots (i like bags easier to store but over 5gal i think they are a little flimsy) with Fox Farm Happy Frog and mix in one bag of Perlite for a little better drainage, although it is decent on its own.

i personally would air cool the light with a 4" and exhaust the tent with another 4" inline fan. as well don't forget a small oscillating fan unless your exhaust will pull enough negative pressure through the holes in the tent.

Other things you will want are a thermometer and hygrometer combo, a cheap timer and a timer with a temperature probe if your gonna run the exhaust fan. Personally if your gonna do soil i wouldn't worry about shelling out the cash for PH or PPM pens right away maybe 1 or 2 rounds in. Buy the test strips for testing water at a pool store and figure out what your water is reading. Pretty much all liquid nutrients that are worth a shit are gonna balance themselves out and you also have the buffer of the soil. The PPM pen isn't really need either pretty much i would start out mixing the nutrients your gonna use at 1/4 strength of recommended and move up to 1/2 strength and pyramid up or stay the same depending on what; india, sativa , hybrid they all have different requirements. With the six plants you should be able to keep a sharp eye on them for any signs of over fert and def.

i would also buy saucers for those pots unless you have a floor drain or alternative way to drain the run-off out of them.
as far as your veg and flower in same tent sure you can do it but use that 200 w that comes with your tent and veg out your next round while the 6 are flowering if that is an available option space wise that way you can roll perpetual harvest.

i have some minimal pics up if you wanna look and have questions hit me up if you want


Well-Known Member
yea all good advice Blazdbandit :)

and Ppl. please .. lay off the spelling stuff .. this is`t school .. well maybe weed school .. but I refuse to be corectet on stuff like mat ..unless it have to do with OZ .. or spelling/gramma .. we dont all have English as our mother tongue... ask if ther is sumthing you dont get ..

here is a soil mix recipe .. ther are many diffrent out ther .. as Im fairly new to organic soil grow I was looking for one that seems easy and had stuff in it I can get at my store/s

1 big bag of Fox Farn Ocean Forest (or any good soil)
2 4lb bags of worm casings
1 pound bone meal
1 pound blood meal
3 cups epson salts
2 cups of dolomite lime
2 bags of perlite

Water well, mix well, let sit for at least 30-90 days prior to using
This is an organic mix and I never have to add any ferts during growing. My biggest propblem is the the girls getting root bound getting big enough containers that will fit in my small grow area

tho I will add some coco aswell .. maybe 20% insted of some of the soil ..

And if it is... with the tent... it might be a ok deal .. still get it for 200$ ;)

what kind of light fixture is it ? do you know ? T5 or T8 ?

nomather what ... exept if it have brand new 6500K bulbs in it... you want to find some new once .. so your sure they get max Lumens/light ..

I got 4 T5HO tubes online for less then 40$ with shipping .. all 49W T5HO 6500K with 4650 Lumens (5 feet type I got for free)

T5HO is great if you ask me .. some say MH is MUCH better ..

as I see it ..

sure if you want to spend the extra cash and extra cash on power .. want and can controle the heat .. maybe you need a cool tube = more money and then a ventilation for it = more money ..

and in the end all I see is maybe a week .. two as tops more Veg with the tubes then with a MH kit .. specialy if you get the T5HO or even VHO and in the right coulor and keep changesing them atlest evry year ..

I dont mind vegging a week extra and go in with 5% smaller plants .. I bet the power cost can buy me the diffrent :D well maybe not .. but we are talking tiny diffrent in the end product if any cept volume and a bad week in veg/flowering with low PH or high or missing some nutriens/micros so it get stunn will do the same .. I mean if you grow perfect and your body have problems along the way I bet you end up with bigger and nicer plants when you have to flower .. could also go with some hydro/DWG later on when you have more experiance .. then Im sure you get same result as one in soil with a 400W MH ..

also .. once you have had a few haverster and maybe have upgraded a lot .. maybe runn hydro and want a nice MH cool tube .. you can allways use the T5HO for seedlings or sell em to your other body for 240$

and sure you can veg/flower in the same room .. I do .. tho I will start a few seeds out side two weeks or so before haverst and keep 2 T5HO tubes over them on a bookshell .. just so Im two weeks ahead when I haverst .. and can start over right away (dont have two rooms ... yet .. so this is how I do it .. with a veg room I would have 5 weeks plans ready for flowering)

beside a normal table fan or two for air flow in the tent you will need a outtake ventilation with a carbon filter on for odour controle and run with a littel underpresure in the tent (tent is pulld in 1/4 inch when it is closed)

sumthing like this:


120-250$ depending on what size and brand aso.

this will remove your air with in 1-5 minuts in a small tent .. and make your temps from a 600W HPS drop a lot so you can controle temps in the room

the smallest are 4" you can also get 6" and 8" ASO

if you have high temps wher you live ? like +90F in the summers you will need a big one and maybe even AC ..

weed need between 72 and 80F .. can do with 85F but will effect the grow .. over 90F is realy bad ..unless you runn co2 (but that is a hole other storie)

even if some say they have no problems with 90ish .. it will make your plant grow much slower ..

I run 82F and is about to order a bigger ventilation .. then I plan on useing my old one (so it dont go to wast) for intake from the outside ..

if I schould sugest anything/if it was me ..

and I had some money but also wanted to do it on a budget with out going crazy right away ..

I would get that tent and light from your friend .. cheap ..

maybe buy new bulbs if needed (maybe half to begin with if my budget is tight)

get some nice 1 and 3 gallon pots and some nice soil mix/coco and start em in the 1 gallon pots .. under the light in the tent .. with a small fan blowing away or over the plants ..

wile they grow (wont smell much fist few weeks and T5 wont make much heat (keep em 2-4 inches away) I would do some more research and order a 400 or maybe if budget allows it a 600W HPS (can do it next pay check when plants is maybe 3 weeks old)

but when you get the HPS and want to use it to start flowering (12/12) you will also need a ventilation to keep the temps down and by that time you will also need to think about odour so a filter is also needed ..300-400$ I reccon .. so maybe 300$ .. for seeds .. soil .. pots .. tent and lamp with new bulbs .. so 600-700$ in total .. but then you also have evrything you need to grow nice big plants and in time haverst a pound evry seccon months with your newley build veg room/tent ;)

Ooh yea and some 5 gallon pots .. a week before you switch to 12/12 (I did learn the hard way .. rootbound and salt build up is`t funn in flowering)

after that all you need is to keep getting nutriens .. soil (coco can be reused) and seeds unless you also plan on cloning (also another storie)

and of course some new tubes/bulbs evry year .. same with carbon filter ..

I guess thats my 2 billion €


Active Member
Slipon and BLAZDBANDIT , great advise i keep learning more n more with you guys! i went to walmart today and pretty much found almost everything i need. one thing i could not find tho is the potting soil(fox Farms). they had this one potting soil that said has food in it to last up to 4 months and then also had regular miracle grow so was confused in what to get so i didnt get nether lol, but idk if im going to mix and make my own soil, making that recipe right seems a little hard right now . also they had pots that had a hole at the bottom for the water for the plants to drink when needed. should i of got those or just regular potting pots.They also had clamp lights which i thought was needed if im not using tubes. but on a good note i also got a drying rack and jars for the curing and drying stage!

So right now my plan is i have my seeds on the way should be here in a couple days , in that time buy the grow tent with the lights or decide if i just wanna make a grow closet (cause i do have a closet available to use). buy the right soil and potting buckets for veg and flowering? also need to buy HPS lights for flowering stage and also need to ether make an air filter or buy one. set everything up. germ my seeds get them ready to beg then flower and let these babies come to lifeee .

Also question how long preferably do i veg and flower and when to start "topping" my plants for more branches to make??. cause i know once i germ and the white stem comes out it time to pop in with the stem pointing up or down? into the small pot for how long till i switch it to the big pot and change lighting to 12 hrs on 12 hrs off with HPS lighting ? and when do i know its time to start trimming leaves off then to hang bud n for how long and when to put in jars and wait to be curried and dryed out ???

Once Again i thank Evryone and anyone who has put there input on this as im trying to learn more n more everyday to make my first time go right n to have some Very High Quality potent Tree and Yield !


Veg time is up to you and the space you have i throw mine to 12/12 @ 14"-18" figure a foot maybe two of vertical growth in flower and under the light ideally i think you wanna give each plant a square foot or two depends if your going SOG or what i give mine 2 sq. ft. always get super dense buds so haven't F'd with it. Your case with the fewer #'s id flower them at 24" should get some good weight.
As far as the soil goes look on fox farm website they tell you were its sold near you worth getting in my opinion but like you said mixing a soil is great almost better if you have the time,space and energy. i personally wouldn't fuck with miracle grow ive just heard bad stuff no personal experience.
Germination of the seed the white root (Taproot) handle with care and it faces down and cover with a 1/4" of soil i usually put mine in the jiffy cubes and snap green stem and leaves in 3 days or less and roll on with it as far as pots go i start the seeds( for my mothers only i clone usually)in the jiffy cube and place that in the 4"x4"x4" cheap plastic pots from like walmart or homedepot and roll in those for 3 weeks then transplant right to the 7gal or finish pot and possibly veg another week depending on size. i also add CANNA RHIZOTONIC during all veg stage for excellent root system.
Harvest time go get a 30x-50x 25mm microscope jewelers lens ect. and i harvest at 80 % milky Trichomes 20% amber but i mainly fuck with Indica and am going for that couch-lock goodnight type of yield. if you go mostly milky with maybe 10% clear you get the good mix of body and head high and if you are harvesting with them barely milky heard just kinda get a body high slight uplift but don't know personally i only harvest at PEAK THC are stuff gets tested for THC,CBD,CBN etc. before dispensary purchase so were always going for that 17%-22%


Well-Known Member
A great place for lights is at htg supply they have any and everything you might want at good prices with excellent shipping.