A Little Too Dry?


Well-Known Member
Okay, so after the 1st harvest the buds have been drying for 4 days and then some. When being cut off they seemed a little too dry and are almost weightless. Using the curing process (using air tight glass jars), will the buds redistribute more then enough moisture so the weed doesn't look like 10grams and weigh 2? Has anyone ever panicked after drying, then cured and all was good? Any feedback would be appreciated. Thank you!


New Member
The dried bud will be about 1/4 the weight from where it started. That's normal. If they've only been hanging for four days, you have a ways to go. At this point, here's what I do:

Cut the big fan leaves off. Cut the buds off of the stems. Throw the fan leaves and stems away. Put the buds LOOSELY into brown paper lunch sacks for a few days. The paper will draw out more moisture from the center of the buds. Now, put the buds LOOSELY into glass Mason Jars and close the lids. Open the lids several times a day to check the buds. If they feel damp, put them back into the paper sacks. When the buds feel "springy" but not damp, put them back into the jars ... and again, check a couple of times a day. Once no more moisture is coming to the surface of the buds, put the lids on the jars and vacuum seal for a nice long cure and storage.

The object is to end up with buds that are not mouldy and not crispy either.

Here's a very inexpensive devise to vacuum seal your Mason Jars: www.pump-n-seal.com




Mr I Can Do That For Half
did you do a good watre flush up until the day you cut down the plants? If you let the plant dry before it got cut you may have hurt your buds potential.1/4 of the on plant weight sounds about right.You woon't gain any weight thats for sure