a little rusty


Active Member
hows it goin rollitup people

ive been smoking for about 8 years now have grown recreationally for about 4. i am finally ready to take things serious. this being the case i would like some help deciding the best brands of nutrients for an organic grow using soil.
the best soil types and nutrient varieties is basically what im looking for so any input would be great. the other times i used it i went with the organic miracle grow soil using CFL lights and i used a mix of organic nutirents i created myself bat guano bone meal blood meal ect. i know very rookie move but hey
so basically any input on the topic would b great thanks for the help


Active Member
sorry everybody jus noticed a couple of typos actually alot pretty stoned i apologise lol basically
i need help finding a good soil brand and a good organic brand for an indoor soil grow....obviously lol


Well-Known Member
fox farm ocean forest is what many, including myself, use with success.

i mix mine 2 parts soil, 1 part perlite.

i use minimum nutes, all fox farm as well. simply the grow big, big bloom, and tiger bloom.

no worries about typos here. good luck!

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
fox farm ocean forest is what many, including myself, use with success.

i mix mine 2 parts soil, 1 part perlite.

i use minimum nutes, all fox farm as well. simply the grow big, big bloom, and tiger bloom.

no worries about typos here. good luck!
Same here! FF is the best!


Active Member
Yes Ihear FF is good. I would Go to your local hyro store and look around and ask some questions. There's aton of products around these days.


Well-Known Member
I like FF too. For something you can buy off the shelf, it's good stuff. I just wish it came with more perlite added. It's a bit irritating, having to add perlite to an expensive soil that is produced, specifically, for growing weed. Wtf? If we all know enough to add extra, why aren't those idiots at FF doing it, for us? For $25 a bag, I shouldn't have to add shit to it, IMO.lol :razz:

Nah, it isn't that bad. It also works well, right out of the bag.