a little experiment i did with milk in water!


so ive read in a couple places to put one fourth milk and three quarters water in a cup mix it well ( i also added a bit of honey) and feed it to your plants and surprise surprise its seems to be working nicely my main plant that got streched before getting better lights on it its stem had thickened up quite a bit in only one and a half nights ( im trying out purely organic grow) and the other baby plants are growing like at a ridiculous pace and there stems have gotten thicker too!

i thought id throw this out there and tell ya folks that the milk trick works nicely! :bigjoint:

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
milk has always been used for a fungicide ,it may have worked on root rot ,just a possibility thrown out there


yep i knew about the root and fungicide thing but me plant never had root rot, i think the milk might be benefical in other ways