A high dose mushroom story

Milky Weed

Well-Known Member
Hey trippers, sippers, and dippers. Hope everyone is doing well this time of year. I wanted to share a very strong mushroom experience i had, that involved 7g of lemon tekked unknown woodlover species.

I was hanging with a girl and she whipped out 2 1/8th of boomies, i thought sweet time to trip and get funky!

I prepared them in a way that i knew it would be very intense, i had planned on splitting it with the girl but she ended up not liking the taste. When i blended them the water did not turn bruise ink blue like usual all the other times i did it. This was my first tip off these were a different species, they were also very small mushrooms.

The girl took one gulp of one of the cups, said it was disgusting and gave it to me to drink, so i drank both 1/8ths.

It coulden’t have been 10 mins later when i started getting first alerts i may be tripping, and the girl puked around that time and it reeked of mushrooms. I began to panic that if she had felt that light sip i may be in for a ride.

I blew away in the breeze immediatley. It was night time, and i noticed the glow bugs on this nice nice night were lighting up in chains that connected to the stars. All the wildlife and insects around me began to sound like an orchestra of light, the sounds intertwining with the moonlight.

I managed to slowly walk to a chair by the pond, and as i sat down my skeleton melded with the chair, seemingly fusing to me. I did not quite understand what was happening, but i decided to smoke a joint that may or may not have existed.

As i sat in the chair, the landscape seemed to roll up into my hands like a joint, and as i sat in a dark void smoking the landscape, as the smoke let out it began to replace the landscape around me, filling it in again.

These are some of the last things i remember, i believe i was solidly high for 3 days, or simply i could just not come down mentally after seeing what i saw, i do not remember most of it.

I had a great trip, but i was unable to speak for roughly a month afterwards, and i had forgotten my own name. It almost seems like i was in a mental state of ego death for an extended period of time, and had to be commited.

I remember re-learning my own name and identity while in the ward, and that was quite an experience.

Psychedelics are very powerful, and i am all for them, i had eaten quarters of mushrooms many times before (not lemon tekked) and strips of lsd on many occasions. But that experience even blew my highest dmt trips out of the water by about a mile.
Hey trippers, sippers, and dippers. Hope everyone is doing well this time of year. I wanted to share a very strong mushroom experience i had, that involved 7g of lemon tekked unknown woodlover species.

I was hanging with a girl and she whipped out 2 1/8th of boomies, i thought sweet time to trip and get funky!

I prepared them in a way that i knew it would be very intense, i had planned on splitting it with the girl but she ended up not liking the taste. When i blended them the water did not turn bruise ink blue like usual all the other times i did it. This was my first tip off these were a different species, they were also very small mushrooms.

The girl took one gulp of one of the cups, said it was disgusting and gave it to me to drink, so i drank both 1/8ths.

It coulden’t have been 10 mins later when i started getting first alerts i may be tripping, and the girl puked around that time and it reeked of mushrooms. I began to panic that if she had felt that light sip i may be in for a ride.

I blew away in the breeze immediatley. It was night time, and i noticed the glow bugs on this nice nice night were lighting up in chains that connected to the stars. All the wildlife and insects around me began to sound like an orchestra of light, the sounds intertwining with the moonlight.

I managed to slowly walk to a chair by the pond, and as i sat down my skeleton melded with the chair, seemingly fusing to me. I did not quite understand what was happening, but i decided to smoke a joint that may or may not have existed.

As i sat in the chair, the landscape seemed to roll up into my hands like a joint, and as i sat in a dark void smoking the landscape, as the smoke let out it began to replace the landscape around me, filling it in again.

These are some of the last things i remember, i believe i was solidly high for 3 days, or simply i could just not come down mentally after seeing what i saw, i do not remember most of it.

I had a great trip, but i was unable to speak for roughly a month afterwards, and i had forgotten my own name. It almost seems like i was in a mental state of ego death for an extended period of time, and had to be commited.

I remember re-learning my own name and identity while in the ward, and that was quite an experience.

Psychedelics are very powerful, and i am all for them, i had eaten quarters of mushrooms many times before (not lemon tekked) and strips of lsd on many occasions. But that experience even blew my highest dmt trips out of the water by about a mile.
Wow, I had a version of this happen but it was on a much shorter scale and with LSD. I quit all drugs including cigarettes for a few years overnight literally. Was some serious shit lol
ive been hospitalized. more than once. worst was when I tossed my lexapro depression meds and had been doing coke on the reg, and then smoking weed like each hit was a regular breath. I couldn't do a lot of things, didn't shit for a month. I was at a catatonic level trip of anxiety.

But I still knew my name.

What you went through was extreme and i think you should be happy you got through it. i wouldn't know what else to say, nice story.

I'm also curious about the girl. what happened with that.
yey for micro-dosing and proper portion control :)
i felt your trip as i was reading it and it gave me the fucking chills. i may pop some shrooms at low doses soon. love the giggly amazed trail show trips. but i never smoke joints while tripping either, real or imaginary lol
In high school, I used to maybe potentially sell said mushrooms, and we decided it would be a good idea to eat 14grams each. We've all hit the quarter club numerous times and thought because we ate a quarter the night before we'd have to double up the next day or else you wouldnt get high (total broscience from no actual source). Well anyways same like you it was suddenly dark and I didn't remember the sun going down at all but we started walking down the road because I was starting to trip and my friends weren't so we decided to go smoke the one and only pre packed pipe bowl of weed we had left (dry times). So I said 'wow night times alot more trippier' but I thought I said it wrong and so then I said 'wait night lights alot more lippy-er' totally confused and really starting to feel it coming on we walked up the bleachers at out school which to me looked like they were a machines gears rolling and I had to get on at the right time or die. So we smoke the bowl and my friends heads start shaking side to side in a blur making their faces all distorted. I laughed, it started to hit them too now. My east Indian friend looked at me and all I saw was Snoop dog. I told him 'youre fucking snoop dog man' while we laughed and laughed until it hurt. Then I remember getting lost in a fence somehow, coming up with the 'funniest joke of all mankind' which we all remember saying but not the joke itself, then somehow winding up on my friends couch while tool schism was playing on much music and his mom was behind us and I couldnt stop myself from laughing like a madman.
I am still very curious about the girl. Let me guess.. she ended up a janitor at the school you guys went to and is married to a Klan member..

I've taken mushrooms twice, only remember one time. For the life of me, I don't know if it was the first or second time.

My girlfriend and I were hanging out in her small basement studio. The whole level was a basement converted to a den and her room was at the back near the stairs, she inherited the room from her sister who was away at college. We had an 1/8th of mushrooms' between us and we ate them raw, splitting caps and stems. They weren't as bad tasting as I thought they would be.

Soon after we smoked a bowl using a sploof, which likely didn't work, and then I picked her little ass up, summo slammed her onto the bed. I'm not so tall, she was a little thing, we were under the covers and kissing, I felt weird. Like we were just two bodies, without stories, without a past, without a future. I f**ked the shit out of her for a good twenty minutes. By the time I was done I was certainly tripping. I got my pants together then rolled out of her bed. I wasn't tripping, or was I? Everything sounded odd. Like it had an echo to it, small sounds, the furnace, etc. She said she was tripping also.

That apartment was damp, dank, green carpet. I felt like mushrooms should have been growing in there. Some friends showed up not long after, I didn't want them there. I drew some demon-like apparitions on a pad as they all smoked and laughed and shared stupid jokes. I didn't like how it felt. It felt a lot like a bad anxiety experience from smoking strong pot.

Funny... Her mom was always saying 'No hanky panky in the basement!' God if she only knew. I would guess she heard the moaning. That whole year and a half I dated that girl was full of the youthful kind of partying stories you don't forget. And yet I cant remember the other time I did shrooms, I just know I did them twice. Now she's married and I see her on facebook from time to time, but really, I don't have time to get involved.
I am still very curious about the girl. Let me guess.. she ended up a janitor at the school you guys went to and is married to a Klan member..
No shes pretty normal lol she fucked off while i was in the ward no hard feelings she was a nice girl we still talk, but shes engaged to someone. She was a single mom she had no time to wait on me and i dont blame her!
Ive done an ounze in tea and eaten an oz more then a few times...

Ive also smoked 1.5 grams of DMT

Wouldnt really reccomend it...excess ...its mental tow imho doesnt translate to breaking a glass ceiling of high

Acid and dmt and mushrooms thats where its at
Ive done an ounze in tea and eaten an oz more then a few times...

Ive also smoked 1.5 grams of DMT

Wouldnt really reccomend it...excess ...its mental tow imho doesnt translate to breaking a glass ceiling of high

Acid and dmt and mushrooms thats where its at
Holy shit
Cant say 100% combuation but yes

1.5 grams

Went there came back... not really wanting to go back

Still selecrivley smoke it but not like that
I accidentally smoked 300mg once and still have alittle pstd about it, thats crazy. That would be really hard to smoke half a gram let alone 1.5 i dunno how you moved after the first toke…

That 300mg held in lasted about 20 lifetimes.

The mushroom trip felt like 1000 lifetimes.… theres no other good way to describe it. I just kept dying over and over again lol.
I'd be careful with hard core hallucinogens. One of our shroom sessions I had a bad trip on one of my friends, and got others to kinda see what I thought I did. And we couldn't ever hang out with him again. He creeped me out. It was sad, because he had no idea why I all of a sudden wanted nothing to do with him.

I knew another guy that did a bunch of acid that got sober, and one day he just lost it, and went to a far away world in his head and never came back.

You can seriously influence people that are tripping. My parents were sending me to rehab and my friend came over high on our leftover shrooms when I told him I was going to rehab. He freaked out, gave me all his weed he had, and said he was quitting too. 3 weeks later he was at the same Rehab center as me, lol. He's stayed sober though since then, unlike me.
I accidentally smoked 300mg once and still have alittle pstd about it, thats crazy. That would be really hard to smoke half a gram let alone 1.5 i dunno how you moved after the first toke…

That 300mg held in lasted about 20 lifetimes.

The mushroom trip felt like 1000 lifetimes.… theres no other good way to describe it. I just kept dying over and over again lol.

I completely lost it once on 18 gram of si's and forgot who i was... and a lot of other crazy distructive shit