a great Mylar question for the forum.....

brett silva

Active Member
greetings fellow growers.

Heres my ?. I have a 12' x12' room and I hung mylar on every wall. Here is my concern: I cant help having the mylar wrinkle. Ive hung it with thumbtacs and different kinds of tape, but still wrinkles. Will the wrinkles have a negative effect on my vield?

Thank you in advance everyone

probly not a small amount of light may be deflected that towards the ground or somthing depending on which way it is wrinkeld but its miniscle compared to the light that is deflected back to the plants i wouldnt worry about it there are plently more important things to wory about
i just saw your pic if you got the the whole room covered your fine because it will deflect all over the room which is what you want also your fans are gonna probly make it do the wavy thing which is cool because light will essently be moveing around providing better light penetration like i said no worries unless the the air movment is to much for the tacks in which case the might eventlly wear on the tac spots causing a eventual rip what i do to stop these rips is take duck tape put it on the corners were the tac will go and this reenforces the mylar alowing no rips

brett silva

Active Member
AWESOME!!! Thank you very much for your replys Skywalker and Chronic Dog!!!

Guess, I was just "newbie over reacting'ing " :)


Well-Known Member
I have heard that mylar creates hotspots, which is why I was told to use visqueen plastic... but realistically I'm sure its fine, I wouldn't worry about it.