A Funny Story


Well-Known Member
I was reading a thread in the Cali Med section and some one asked if the Medi Soda's really worked. When It happend I didnt think they worked but now looking back I realize they worked really well. Here is my story,

I drank two of the Kushtown 800x sodas practically back to back --- VERY BAD IDEA. We were going to six flags and I decided ti would be a good idea. I ate breakfast and drank a soda. Parking took about an hr, I was already stoned by the copious amounts of joints on the way there. I did not really feel the soda so I chugged the other one while I was in line. I rode X2 and was feeling good, a little queezy at the end, we then rode Tatsu and I got off thinking maybe I need a break. So we go down the hill and Deja Vu was up and running(never rode it because my wife always said she got sick) but, I get peer pressured into it by my Father in Law and his Buddy. I ride the ride and get off, :spew: walk another 20 or 30 feet :spew:. So I am not too happy with myself now because I knew I was going to get sick. I went to the bathroom and WHAM:wall: The Sodas hit me like a brick wall. I thought I was already high enough from them, I thought I was peaking but, nooooooooooooo.....I spent the rest of the day at Six Flags just walking around(probably looked like a drunken fool) little bit of :spew: little bit of that. Right before we leave about 5 hrs later I am starting to really peak on these sodas, not to mention the world is spinning at about light speed:shock:.I decide to man up and ride one last coaster with the family....hahahaha......:dunce:. That was probably the worst idea of the night. The 2hr drive home was no fun(i was in the passanger seat) either. So I finally get home, i am sooooo ready for bed. I take a shower and go try to lay down......Big Mistake #2. All the spinning was like instant :spew:. I couldnt close my eyes with out feeling like I had just jumped off a building and was falling forever.I run to the bathroom :spew: again. My wife checks to see if I am ok, my response :sad:. So I try to lay in bed and I can feel it coming so I head for the bathroom and turn off the light and just lay in there. I ended up laying on the cold ass floor naked and spread eagle so that my hands and feet are touching all the walls like I was trying to keep myself from falling. Wife woke me up in the morning and I was finally able to get some sleep. So I guess my lesson is don't ride roller coasters after grosely overdosing on Edibles.