A few weeks into new grow any help appreciated


So I started a grow a few weeks ago with just an average shwag bagseed to try out my new grow space that I had created...basically I made my own indoor tent but more like a greenhouse. Its frame is PVC piping that makes the tent 5'x5'x5' and it is encased in heavy plastic that no light can get into or barely leave. It has an 10'' exhaust fan that I installed in the upper corner of the structure, and also a fan mounted to constantly blow on my plant and currently just using 6-23 watt cfls about 2 inches away from the plant which should be enough for just one. The grow seems to be going good besides the leaves are always a little droopy. But I assume that has to do with the cheap top soil I am using (has some little bugs in it that look like fruit flies or tiny flies) and the fact that the humidity is always anywhere from 65% to 78%. Only reason for the cheap dirt is I had it laying around and it seemed perfect to test my structure with without spending money. I ordered some seeds from attitude consisting of 2-seedsman white widow feminized and they threw in a free seed called UFO Magnus or something like that. I received them today and the free one they threw in looks great but the white widow seeds are kinda puny looking so not sure im to enthused by that..but as long as they sprout I wont complain. I am gonna attatch some pictures of my plant and also of my structure for everyone to critique and hopefully help me improve on..theres always room for improvement..



i might be wrong mate but it looks like your over watering the little guys .. only water when the soil get really dry .. you still want the moisture in there so get a spray bottle and use that .. ive used the same as you cheap top soil .. cfl's .. same sort of setup really .. i only water mine every 2-3 day when the soil get really dry ..


Well-Known Member
ok i dont want to come off like a dick but im going to be blunt , your soild sucks , your over watering , and not milar ! you my friend have problems , she looks very sad. Sad = over watered leaves turn down and droopy . Soild should not be all clumpy sould be nice and airy .... fuck you could even put in blender for a few quick seconds but to late for that ! my advice is stop with the water till she purks up and then little bit to start ( i water every day, I just dont drowned her ) hope i wasnt to much of a dick its better to point out errors then give false hope we grow from our mistakes .


Active Member
Well not to be a dick to you chilltown but hes here for our advice...you coulda said all that withour coming off the way you did. To be honest though chill is right akilby....You gotta not use that kind of soil. You HAVE to get yourself a good soil try Fox Farm Ocean Forest. BUGS IN YOUR SOIL=BAAAAAAD. Your set up is ok but you do need to try and get some reflective material...not tin foil....I would highly recommend you dont put those seeds your ordered in that soil either. Def dont water until the soil is dried but not so dry that the dirt comes off the sides of the pot...does that make sense??....need any help PM me happy to help you along.


Well-Known Member
Well not to be a dick to you chilltown but hes here for our advice...you coulda said all that withour coming off the way you did. To be honest though chill is right akilby....You gotta not use that kind of soil. You HAVE to get yourself a good soil try Fox Farm Ocean Forest. BUGS IN YOUR SOIL=BAAAAAAD. Your set up is ok but you do need to try and get some reflective material...not tin foil....I would highly recommend you dont put those seeds your ordered in that soil either. Def dont water until the soil is dried but not so dry that the dirt comes off the sides of the pot...does that make sense??....need any help PM me happy to help you along.
Kong your right , but sometime you need to wake someone up , poor little girl didnt do anything to him , just trying to grow up and be some good smoke thats all , lol , FF is the shit thats what i use please look at my pots in some of my early pics and check out rest of grow at https://www.rollitup.org/indoor-growing/339082-lowlife-ak-47-400w.html


i use miracle gro potting soil .. seems to do the trick .. havnt seen little bugs in mine up to now fingers crossed


Well im not overwatering her she just stays droopy..because I stopped watering her besides when the soil was real dry and she never perked up a bit. Also I didnt plan on using this soil for my good seeds not one second did I think about that. Also im not using enough light for the tin foil to do anything to my plant or enough to concentrate any hot spots so im sure the tin foil is fine and the tin foil is only on the top of my table so the reflection is not hitting my plant at all lol...


Well-Known Member
Well im not overwatering her she just stays droopy..because I stopped watering her besides when the soil was real dry and she never perked up a bit. Also I didnt plan on using this soil for my good seeds not one second did I think about that. Also im not using enough light for the tin foil to do anything to my plant or enough to concentrate any hot spots so im sure the tin foil is fine and the tin foil is only on the top of my table so the reflection is not hitting my plant at all lol...
I suggest U getting them Gnat flys outta there as if you don't they multiply in minutes(at least seems that way). If ur planning on growing with CFLs , I don know if u wanna spend the 30 to 50 dollars on mylar sheets, eventhough If u get the thicker one U could actually use it as walls of ur growroom. Make sure to use some perlite or vermiculite or both in ur soil mix SO U'll have much better drainage and root growth in there. I suggest U using bigger pots for ur whitewidows as they grow tall and they need root space. 5 gallon is the most ideal for 1 to 2 months veging. good luck.


Well-Known Member
Well im not overwatering her she just stays droopy..because I stopped watering her besides when the soil was real dry and she never perked up a bit. Also I didnt plan on using this soil for my good seeds not one second did I think about that. Also im not using enough light for the tin foil to do anything to my plant or enough to concentrate any hot spots so im sure the tin foil is fine and the tin foil is only on the top of my table so the reflection is not hitting my plant at all lol...
what we have here is a failure to communicate, how much water have you given her, what is the weight of planter befor water or after? how do you know you didnt over water? And a grow room should alway be reflective , tin foil ( you shitting me ) wow. But he knows he needs good soil thats a good start.I love Fox Farm line up quick easy and effective.
The best thing i could tell you to do is to start to read and dont stop for your first 5 gorws , here is a great palce to start https://www.rollitup.org/newbie-central/ good luck.