a few weeks into flower and leafs are becoming faulty?

90%+ of my leaves look fine however some of the undergrowth is turning yellow and some of the leaves look burnt almost? I'm not sure as I'm a total noob.

Im using a soil/water grow and haven't used any nutrients except from a little nitrogen at the start as it had a deficiency. should i be using nutes and this is the problem from not?

Here are some pictures,

Cheers guys,


Well-Known Member
More info needed, what kind of lights? Wattage? How's your air circulation?
Is the yellowing just on the bottom only, or did it start on bottoms and is slowly moving upwards? Also in flower some yellowing is going to happen as the plant slowly uses stored energy in its leaves for flower production.

Also looks like something might be snackin, check the underside of your leaves for critters, they like to hide there
More info needed, what kind of lights? Wattage? How's your air circulation?
Is the yellowing just on the bottom only, or did it start on bottoms and is slowly moving upwards? Also in flower some yellowing is going to happen as the plant slowly uses stored energy in its leaves for flower production.

Also looks like something might be snackin, check the underside of your leaves for critters, they like to hide there
Mars Hydro REFLECTOR 48, I've had a look for critters seem to be okay, few springtails.

I'm more concerned about the brown patches on my leafs, at the edges and tips.

Anon Emaus

Well-Known Member
I like your terminology....faulty

Can we see a bigger picture of the whole plant to get a better idea of what we're seeing?

Is your soil supplying nutrients? For quality, yeild, etc.. you should grow with nutrients(whether it supplied by the soil or by you)...no reason to not feed the poor thing...unless you're some kinda broke dirty hippy
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Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
A lot depends on your growing medium. If you are using something loaded with nutes like fox farm ocean forest, you wont need to add much, if anything.
If you are using something more basic like pro mix hp, you definitely need to feed cal mag & P, K.
Hope this helps...
I like your terminology....faulty

Can we see a bigger picture of the whole plant to get a better idea of what we're seeing?

Is your soil supplying nutrients? For quality, yeild, etc.. you should grow with nutrients(whether it supplied by the soil or by you)...no reason to not feed the poor thing...unless you're some kinda broke dirty hippy

it's not an expensive soil mix, so i think i will need nutrients, what should i buy though? I can pop out today and get some.

Anon Emaus

Well-Known Member
it's not an expensive soil mix, so i think i will need nutrients, what should i buy though? I can pop out today and get some.
Sorry can't help too much there, I only grow in water, but there's plenty of guys that I'm sure will chime in to help on that. As did Bonza above^
Went to my local grow shop today and had a chat with matey, bought a load of nutrients and he gave me some advice and even after a couple of hours my lady has perked up and is reaching for the light.

Thanks for all the help.