a few questions


ok i really have no way to get pics right now but i really need some advise....i have 4 plants right now i grew from seeds i germated from diffrent sacs...so 3 are texas ones and ones really good mids from ohio the texas are a lil over 3 1/2 months and ohio almost 2 they are all over two feet they are in 5 gallon pots outdoor i water soon as dirt starts to get cracks which is often down here when its 100 degrees but 2 texas and the ohio are covered in white hairs at the crowns thought they didnt bud till early october when the days are short........can anyone tell me whats goin on..they are very healthy by the why once a week i give them 15-30-15, it hasnt hurt them yet been doin it for 2 weeks since the hairs started to appear

trichlone fiend

New Member
...from my experience of growing outdoors, my sativas started to flower before my indicas....but, the indicas were ready for harvest sooner. Sativas have a more drawn out growth, sounds like your growing sativa.