a few questions


Active Member
so i got a few questions i would really appreciate answers to any of them. my buddy has some land touching a cranberry bog i dug a hole to toss some soil in and hit water after digging a foot, so i took a plastic bucket about a foot deep put a hand full of small stones at the bottom then soil, placed it in the hole and planted a seed. will this work?
question 2: in this same bog i dug a hole about a foot deep not yet touching water but close, filled the hole with soil and planted another. should this work?
question 3:i am trying to figure out some sort of underground watering system ( having the water source uphill from the plants with a hose running down towards them) how do i keep from flooding the plants with a system like this?
question 4: when is to late in the year to start plants outside (in new England)