A few general questions for a newbie


Hi guys, doing my first ever grow, outdoors and have a few general questions.

1. Is it possible to have an abundance of nutrients when you have a soil pH level between 6.5 and 7?
2. Is it possible to have a nutrient lockout situation with pH levels as above?



Active Member
ok 6.5-7 is perfect for natural soil. youll want to look at surrounding vegitation to see how well it is growing since you do not know exactly what nutrients are readily availeble in the area. lockout should not be a problem due to ph in that range, and as long as other plants are growing in the area you can assume the soil shouldnt be too high in one nutrient or the other enough to lock it out on weed.
that said, amending the soil to give the maximum to what you are planting is a good thing, if it be marijuana or vegetable.


Ok, I thought so.. I've actually been doing a fair amount of research, but nothing beats the word of someone with experience telling you you're either doing it right or wrong.

I'm growing in pots, with good quality mixture of potting mix, peat moss, perlite and vermiculite.

Here's a few pics of my grow. I guess my main concern is the the top leaves you see in a few of these pics, they seem small, slightly yellowish and slightly curled upward to me. Someone with an experienced eye care to comment?

How do these look? Generally healthy or do I have an issue I need to correct?



Well-Known Member
Um, if I were u, I'd take that yellowing of new growth as a sign for me to amend my surrounding area with something with some N in it, like some good ol' worm castings, or a nice N-rich bat guano tea... U need some N, my friend... Try some greensand, and some dolomitic lime, as well... With the already present peat moss, this will help to buffer and keep your pH in check, as well as add some basic micro nutes like CA and MG, not to mention the much needed macro nute N, during vegetative growth... Thatz my 2 cents...


Thanks for your insights guys. Much appreciated. I've generally been feeding with all purpose miracle grow every 3-4 days. Though I also have some Urea here. Most of the ones in the pics are posted are from the younger lot of 14 - planted about 2 weeks after the first 16. I've had a few little problems along the way as evidenced in the first pic below, which is from a female out of the first 16.

The first 16 are in week 2 of flowering now so I have stopped with the miracle grow and given them some bloom booster slow release tablets.. NPK 8:8:12.

The second pic is a general overview of the females from the first batch and the 3rd a close up of one of the females I think is in trouble.

Keeping in mind there are 2 (recommended dose for that pot size is 5) slow release bloom booster tablets in each pot, should I leaf feed with water/urea mix?

Thanks again for all your comments and insights guys, much appreciated.

.grow2_1.jpggrow2_2.jpgView attachment 2117865


Well-Known Member
It looks like new growth to me but looks good !! the bottom looks like a deficiency of some sort like maybe leeching N


Yeah, the 14 or so I planted a few weeks later are still in the veg phase, but the first 16 have def started flowering, lots of clusters of long white pistils, for about a week and half now. Though, I only started researching after I planted the seeds, so they were only started off at the beginning of February..

Have ordered some good seed from a seed bank that I will plant in October, which should let it go through a full grow cycle at least..