A crippled, left-handed black dyke walked into a bar...

desert dude

Well-Known Member
and ordered a black Russian.

I think there is a phrase for this: blow back!


Indeed, one has to wonder how long it will be before a more substantial backlash begins. “I am out of ideas,” the socialist blogger Freddie DeBoer admitted yesterday afternoon, before inquiring rhetorically what he is supposed to conclude when he sees so “many good, impressionable young people run screaming from left-wing politics because they are excoriated the first second they step mildly out of line?” Among the things that DeBoer claims lately to “have seen, with my own two eyes,” are a white woman running from a classroom simply because she used the word “disabled”; a black man being ostracized for suggesting that there is “such a thing as innate gender differences”; and a Hispanic Iraq War veteran “being berated” for using the phrase “man up.” Worse for him and his interests, perhaps, DeBoer also claims to have under his belt “many more depressing stories of good people pushed out and marginalized in left-wing circles because they didn’t use the proper set of social and class signals to satisfy the world of intersectional politics.” What, he asks in exasperation, is he supposed to say to them?

I have a few suggestions here. How about, “Stop bullying my students with your nonsense, you insufferable prigs?” Or, “This is a place of learning, not a witch trial, and we do not treat people like that here. Capiche?” Or, “If you can’t tolerate people who don’t agree with you, why are you engaging in argument at all?”
I think there is a phrase for this: blow back!

All it takes is to simply read any of the threads on this forum, and one can easily see that "political correctness" isn't about "equality" or being "nice" or "fair" or any of that other BULLSHIT the leftist idiots pretend it is, it's about CONFORMITY and power. Period.

FUCK "political correctness" and the sorry pieces of shit that promote it.

desert dude and wilksey, two prominent white supremacists, complaining about political correctness to start the day. ginwwilly, another who shares their white supremacy ideology, likes the posts of the other white supremacists.

too bad that ANALEXCESS gave away what all the anger about political correctness is about.

Political correctness is creeping into everything. You cant say nigger. Why? Well, because someone might be offended.

you poor, persecuted, white supremacists. life must be so tough for you hateful small minded losers.
and ordered a black Russian.

I think there is a phrase for this: blow back!


Indeed, one has to wonder how long it will be before a more substantial backlash begins. “I am out of ideas,” the socialist blogger Freddie DeBoer admitted yesterday afternoon, before inquiring rhetorically what he is supposed to conclude when he sees so “many good, impressionable young people run screaming from left-wing politics because they are excoriated the first second they step mildly out of line?” Among the things that DeBoer claims lately to “have seen, with my own two eyes,” are a white woman running from a classroom simply because she used the word “disabled”; a black man being ostracized for suggesting that there is “such a thing as innate gender differences”; and a Hispanic Iraq War veteran “being berated” for using the phrase “man up.” Worse for him and his interests, perhaps, DeBoer also claims to have under his belt “many more depressing stories of good people pushed out and marginalized in left-wing circles because they didn’t use the proper set of social and class signals to satisfy the world of intersectional politics.” What, he asks in exasperation, is he supposed to say to them?

I have a few suggestions here. How about, “Stop bullying my students with your nonsense, you insufferable prigs?” Or, “This is a place of learning, not a witch trial, and we do not treat people like that here. Capiche?” Or, “If you can’t tolerate people who don’t agree with you, why are you engaging in argument at all?”

You cut and pasted an article not an argument...
All it takes is to simply read any of the threads on this forum, and one can easily see that "political correctness" isn't about "equality" or being "nice" or "fair" or any of that other BULLSHIT the leftist idiots pretend it is, it's about CONFORMITY and power. Period.

FUCK "political correctness" and the sorry pieces of shit that promote it.


Your political opponents are very diverse but I have yet to see any of you right-wing mouth breathers disagree over anything relevant. Your right to offend people is offensive. My right to respond to your offensive remarks is entertaining.
Your political opponents are very diverse but I have yet to see any of you right-wing mouth breathers disagree over anything relevant. Your right to offend people is offensive. My right to respond to your offensive remarks is entertaining.

Oh, my God. So offensive!

Keep it up. It's working! :-)

a white woman running from a classroom simply because she used the word “disabled”; a black man being ostracized for suggesting that there is “such a thing as innate gender differences”; and a Hispanic Iraq War veteran “being berated” for using the phrase “man up.
PC bigots want to cull words from the discourse so they can stifle all thoughts and controls not their own.

The majority of the P.C. brigade doesn't realize that the communists pretty much started out the same way. Say anything bad against the party, the state, or whatever the fuck else they deemed "bad", and detrimental actions would be taken against you. This, of course, lead to arrests, confinements, slavery, and murder.

I prefer to learn from history, not repeat it, which is why I am vehemently opposed to all this leftist BULLSHIT, as we've seen it before in the past, and the grim results of what came later.
and ordered a black Russian.

I think there is a phrase for this: blow back!


Indeed, one has to wonder how long it will be before a more substantial backlash begins. “I am out of ideas,” the socialist blogger Freddie DeBoer admitted yesterday afternoon, before inquiring rhetorically what he is supposed to conclude when he sees so “many good, impressionable young people run screaming from left-wing politics because they are excoriated the first second they step mildly out of line?” Among the things that DeBoer claims lately to “have seen, with my own two eyes,” are a white woman running from a classroom simply because she used the word “disabled”; a black man being ostracized for suggesting that there is “such a thing as innate gender differences”; and a Hispanic Iraq War veteran “being berated” for using the phrase “man up.” Worse for him and his interests, perhaps, DeBoer also claims to have under his belt “many more depressing stories of good people pushed out and marginalized in left-wing circles because they didn’t use the proper set of social and class signals to satisfy the world of intersectional politics.” What, he asks in exasperation, is he supposed to say to them?

I have a few suggestions here. How about, “Stop bullying my students with your nonsense, you insufferable prigs?” Or, “This is a place of learning, not a witch trial, and we do not treat people like that here. Capiche?” Or, “If you can’t tolerate people who don’t agree with you, why are you engaging in argument at all?”
on a scale of 1-10 how racist are u do u think?
i built another walkway today, mostly for free with materials from craigslist.

laying blocks and sucking cocks.

but mainly laying blocks.