A couple quick questions


Active Member
So I got some "Big Laughing" seeds, and I germinated 2 and both opened up.
This is my first time, so I dont want to do anymore than 2(to be honest, I only wanted to do 1, but I was not expecting both to open up). I bought a flourescent light, with 2 40W/1900Lumen tubes. This is enough lighting correct? If I do some tinfoiling around it so that the light reflects and stays concentrated on the plants will that be fine?

Also, does anyone have any experience with this strain? How big should I be expecting it to get?



Well-Known Member
never heard of the strain, but i wouldnt recomend using tinfoil. try and find some mylar or a better type of reflective material. you have enough light for now, but aer going to need more the bigger they get and especially once they start flowering. are the lights you have CFLs? you can expect it to get as big as you want it all depends on how long you let them veg for...


Well-Known Member
that's enough light for two plants in veg and 1 plant in flowering. btw, unless you have feminized seeds you always want to grow at least two plants to protect against getting males that are useless.

tinfoil can burn the plants and is not recommended. white paint or mylar is better