a couple basic questions


Well-Known Member
i have been growing a few years, so i am not a complete newb ;) but, i have never selected any really quality food for plants - i have relied on amendments like horse manure and some light Miracle Grow.. so - i want to at least research the option of some more specialized nutes this year..

to point me in the right direction - i was thinking FF food because the FF soil is so perfect and quality - but, i notice people on here use something called Advanced Nutrients? wow.. now i'm looking at advancednutrients.com - very nice website..! :shock: they have a lot of products... what are the favorites for cannabis out of these?

i am growing outdoors directly in the ground.. don't know what other factors there are to tell.... i don't want to spend more than like $50/mo on food if possible - i mean - again, i don't know for buying quality food.. i could just stick with manure and miracle grow.... can i get some opinions please? :weed: