A Combination of Heat Stress, Bent Stalk and Possible Overwatering


This is my plant from a bag seed of Sour D I got from a friend, its been about a month and 16 days since seeing the tap root crack the shell. I recently brought it outside to further its vegetative growth seeing that where I live the weather has been pretty nice lately, but maybe too nice. Ever since it has been outside things have gone wrong. All the leaves have wilted, even the newest set of full 5 bladed ones look like they are already getting that way. My potting mix is a regular standard potting soil with pearlite and holds moisture for a while, I remember when I transplanted it into the bigger pot seeing good roots growing, more than I thought I'd see to be honest. Now, the reason why I think it is heat stress is purely the fact that it gets around 90F all day from about 9am till 4-5ish. Id argue the under watering because I stick my finger in the soil and its moist. It might be combo of over watering seeing as the whole 3 days it was outside and it never dried out. The brace you see near the stalk is to keep some stability since it also has bent 90 degrees probably from a gust of wind or something. So basically I was wondering how I can remedy this situation. I have since brought it indoors where it is cooler (77-81F) with a cfl. I also mixed some new soil with grass cuttings to try and up the nitrogen content because I also see some purpling in the stems and lightly colored green leaves compared to what it used to look like before bringing it outside.
IMG_0474[1].jpg Please be nice, this is my first grow, really just started out as a joke but Id still like to get something out of it too.


Well-Known Member
OK, so here is what I figure. Traditionally moving a plant from indoors to out, should be done a little more slowly. 1 hour the first day, 2 hours the next, and so on (use whatever time periods you like, this is just an example) as this allows the chance to get used to change in heat and humidity, without being shocked. It is unlikely yo be underwatering, from my exoerience, soil needs to be dry and crumbly as an old ladies panties to make a plant wilt.

Not sure about the grass cuttngs for instant Nitrogen, would have thought it takes a while to break down, but don't quote me on that. However, if you have purple stems, and new lighter coloured leaves, it is more likely to be a Magnesium def. Magnesium def causes the purple stems (though some strains have purp stems naturally), but also prevents the plant from efficiently using up the Nitrogen in the soil, giving the pale leaves. I made this mistake once, pumped the soil full of N, and then realised it was a Mag def, which I sorted, only to find I had caused too much Nitrogen, which passed with water. Anyway, different nutes are taken up easier at different pH's, and if you change your watering to 6.6-6.7, you should see the difference in 5 days or so, as magnesium def's aren't as instant to recover as some.

Hope this helps, she looks pretty well for a first attempt with the obligatory errors, so don't be giving up on her just yet :)


Well-Known Member
Over watered imo...and maybe a bit more perlite in the next mix?
Is there anything in the base of the pots like pebbles etc? I forgot to do this in one pot, and it results in their roots sitting in water, with the top soil looking dry, but the plants still get over watered...


Thanks for your opinions, I'm going look into mag deficiency now, and for the grass thing. My friend did the same thing to his plant but it is more of a down the road kind of thing i think, i still have it indoors and have been slowly bringing it outside for a bit and then back inside now. I've noticed all the plants around where i live also look all droopy like my plant so I'm sure its just too hot. One thing i cant seem to find around town are the right nutrients. Everything at home depot is miracle grow, miracle grow and miracle grow but what can i do. I'm sure ill just have to wait it out until i see a difference in droopiness now. As soon as i see a difference i will upload a new pic. It still is growing new leaves out of the top and i finally see the ones growing out of the nodes in between the stalk and stems so i probably just have to chill out and wait.


IMG_0481[1].jpgIMG_0483[1].jpgJust took these today, about 3 days later from when I last took some pics, still no change from switching back indoors from a 90F + to now 78-81F with a fan and a cfl. Does heat stress take a while to recover? At least I see the top and inner nodes still growing.


Well-Known Member
Your having a serious watering issue. Are you feeding yet? I saw a brown spot looks like the start of a calcium deficiency.... is that really a month and a half old? It looks like 2 weeks or so. Better get it under control soon if you want weed. I would add more light as well


Overwatering? No I'm not feeding it anything yet, I went to the store and they didn't have the nutes I was looking for...That brownish spot is just some fly juice, there has been a fly that seems to love landing on it I try and scrape it off as much as I can tho. I was thinking the same thing about how it looks so stunted. As soon as I can get a ballast for the MH light I got it'll get more light but for now its just on a cfl. Other than that I have no way to help it but wait. I don't really know what to do anymore its been almost a week of it looking this droopy and stunted. Should I put it back outside?


Well-Known Member
What happened to the first set of leaves? The droop looks like over watering make sure the pot feels light and the top 2 in or so are dry before watering again and put a fan on it too. A fan will help a lot. Lighting is probly your biggest factor. I believe They need 2100 lumens to sustain photosynthesis so at least 2 24 watt bulbs within 2 inches of the plant


Actually the first 2 sets of leaves I had to take off because the stalk snapped when it was outside. They were already yellowing anyways so I just took them off so I could bury it more in the soil to stabilize it. I also used a straw, twig and twist tie to stop it from bending. you can kind of see it in the photo but its a little hard to make out. technically it is 6 nodes high but in the picture it only looks 4.


I've been thinking of rinsing this plants soil off and repotting, minimal growth has occurred. I know its gunna shock it but is it worth it to do?


Well-Known Member
Don't rinse it. Especially if you've determined its over watering. Besides its easiest to transplant when dry...transplanting really doesn't bother em that much


IMG_0486.jpgIMG_0488[1].jpgIMG_0489[1].jpgIMG_0491[1].jpghere are some pictures of the break in the stalk that happened when I brought it outside. As you can see I also took out a lot of the soil that was in the pot supporting it. It is still really weak but its able to stand on its own without air flow. I just took off the straw for the pictures though, I am keeping it on until I see some more strength. I haven't watered this plant in about a week now. Anyways please keep the feedback coming, tips and help appreciated.



Well-Known Member
Patience..which they don't sell in the grow shop unfortunately. Just keep doing what you're doing, supporting the stem., etc.

I'd agree with qwizoking, once she's recovered from over watering then transplant her...and she should take off! :)


7 weeks and 2 days old, still bracing the stem with some duct tape and a couple little sticks, bottom leaves turned yellow so I took them off. seeing a bit of new roots coming in at the bottom of the plant, also noticed some great recovery from the remaining leaves. Transplanted it out of the shit soil it was in and put it into a new pot with soil from the bed of the run off creek next to my house. That stuff was filled with worms and it was purely castings so I think it did the plant good now that im seeing somewhat improvement. Also has great drainage and dries up in like a week. I just wish I would have done this from the beginning, I feel like its going to start growing a lot faster now, even tho it still has that horrible break in the stem.


actually I just took off the tape to see how the break was doing. it seems the main spongy inner part of the stalk that brings the nutrients to the rest of the plant shriveled up and dried out and the green outside flesh closed up on itself and became the dominant part of the stalk. this is really interesting to see how this plant behaves.IMG_0511.jpgIMG_0519[1].jpg


New Member
dood that thing is going to hermi or not give u shit for yeild to much stress. first im looking at ur piks and i see no perlite u say thier is but u need about 100 times more then wa u have it looks to me like the roots are swimming in mud. i feel u with the homedepot thing my first grow was miracle grow soil and fox farm nuts i did alright but had nithing but problems my secong grow i drove an 1hour away and will drive 3 hrs not to go to homedepot MG sucks foxfarm is alright but still sucks...dood take the drive and buy promx or sunshine pro mx #4 and some good nutes not foxfarm... i personally use canna substra vega and bro my plant are a mnth old and are as big as my finished flowering plnts when i was using foxfarm do ur research perlite perlite perlite all the pros u look at their soil all u see is perlite ..good luck


Well-Known Member
Looking much better. I know the overwatering thing all to well. I think we all do. We start off thinking that these girls need lots of fluids, but the truth is that really in the first few weeks the first watering gives pretty much as much water as the babies need. (unless you have direct sunlight on the soil outside or a fan blowing downward on the soil drying it out)


IMG_0536.jpgIMG_0535.jpgIMG_0534.jpgcouple days later. topped and trained a bit more. Pinching in between the nodes really fattens up the stalk good ay?