A borer in my a plant stalk.

I've never seen this anywhere before, but I would inject with bt. Though only a brainstorm I believe it SHOULD WORK so long as the borer isn't big,... says its mostly effective at younger caterpillars, still, worth the shot, still might die if the damage is done in that case cut off branch and start spraying to prevent them from flourishing again. Good luck all the best!
That branch is a goner cut it couple ins below hole because they bore up until its to big then they bore down into the ground to start all over next yr. How did you find it was that branch wilting?Check the rest of the plants i never just get 1 borer A simple spray of spinosad once a week this wont happen.
That branch is a goner cut it couple ins below hole because they bore up until its to big then they bore down into the ground to start all over next yr. How did you find it was that branch wilting?Check the rest of the plants i never just get 1 borer A simple spray of spinosad once a week this wont happen.
The branch is not necessarily a goner, in my experience.
Again, what does he have to loose? If he cuts off that part of the plant, it is gone for sure. If his issue is more like mine, the plant will be fine most of the time, leaving it alone.
Stem rot that moves to the whole plant thats what he has to lose I have seen it I cant believe you do nothing about stem borers. I have tried the spray BT in the hole an slice the stem open an remove the borer its useless I just cut 2 in below the hole an move on.
Thanks for the input. The stalk above the hole is showing no signs of distress. No wilting on a hot day yet. I'll keep an eye on that. I'm well aware of what the borers do to my squash. So you say it ultimately wants to get all the way down and into the soil?
Thanks for the input. The stalk above the hole is showing no signs of distress. No wilting on a hot day yet. I'll keep an eye on that. I'm well aware of what the borers do to my squash. So you say it ultimately wants to get all the way down and into the soil?
Yes they bore up until to big to fit in stem then they bore down into the ground over winter then hatch an fly in the spring to start all over again. Are you in the northern latitudes? 41 north or more. Theres different types of borers down south.
Thanks for the input. The stalk above the hole is showing no signs of distress. No wilting on a hot day yet. I'll keep an eye on that. I'm well aware of what the borers do to my squash. So you say it ultimately wants to get all the way down and into the soil?
I have never seen them go down, only up. I have never had the severe issues others seem to have had and this is my 6th season outdoors. My plants are 8 to 10 feet tall and are almost always unfazed by stem borers. I believe they are different than the squash bugs we get in Oklahoma. I am pretty hands off regarding my plants, though I have been spraying sulfur to deter leaf septoria.
I have never seen them go down, only up. I have never had the severe issues others seem to have had and this is my 6th season outdoors. My plants are 8 to 10 feet tall and are almost always unfazed by stem borers. I believe they are different than the squash bugs we get in Oklahoma. I am pretty hands off regarding my plants, though I have been spraying sulfur to deter leaf septoria.
Squash bugs arent stem borers, You get something different, Squash stem borers come from a pretty little red moth that looks an acts like a bee We have corn borers also but dont seem to bother weed plants. Been dealing with the little shits for close to 40 yrs.