a bit random.........but


Active Member
well i got my order from attitude today, i got the t-shirt shipping method, all the seeds i orderd where there.............so you ask what the problem is? after opening the package, checked everything was there and trying the t-shirt on i went to get my tent ready for a new house mate lol and as i was opening the bottom zip i noticed a seed on the ground, so i checked all my seed where there and trhey where, only thing i can think of is that when my order got packaged they must have dropped a seed and it ended up in the t-shirt and fell on the floor when i opened it, so what do you guys think of this? has this happend to anyone else? what do you think the chances of this happening are? or do you think i dropped it some time ago and forgot about it, atleast i will have a mystery strain to grow at some point
Maybe a mistake who knows, I just know that some companies will give a extra 2 or 3 seeds from different strains but they are usually packaged and labeled.


Active Member
well i got 4 free seeds from them all packaged up, this one was lying next to my tent, i was trying to think when i might have dropped it, and if i did drop it a while ago how did it not end up in the hoover lol