a bit of a perdiciment im in right now

trains strain

Well-Known Member
ok so here it goes, my gfs parents are suppose to be coming by for a few hours tomorrow and they always seem to sneak around my apartment being nosey and all. there is no possible way for me to hide my girls except if i completley shut off the lights and seal my stealth box up. its on 12/12 (6am on, 6pm off)right now 3 weeks today into flowering and i was just wondering if i gave them a 24hr dark period would that fuck everything up or am i ok just to do it this one day?


Well-Known Member
It won't screw everything up. Your plants will lag a little but not too much. If you can, try to give them a shorter dark period by timing when they are going to come over. But if it screws up your entire light schedule just do the 24 hour dark period. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
put your shit in your bedroom and lock the door, tell them it's messy. They have no businness snooping around your apartment, assert yourself!
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Well-Known Member
it should be ok to dark them out for a day. pretend it's a stormy day in the fall and the sun is behind big black clouds. sounds about right with the in-laws being there and all. lol

trains strain

Well-Known Member
haha def, it be storming with my to gals lol, i def dont want them even coming over...anyways thanks for everyones posts, im just gonna keep them in the dark maybe give them 8-10 hours of light if i can, actually, if i post some pics and people tell me if theyre ready to harvest, well actually i know theyre not ready but i just want some opinions, it is my first grow, ive done so much research its almost costed me a relationship haha but hey what can i say, im dedicated to the magical herb mother nature gave us. but anyways ill post pics, no one has to comment but let me know if i should start a new thread but anyways here she is (by the way its only the top cause the lower buds are still really white and no amber hairs on them so i havent gotten any pics of them yet)


trains strain

Well-Known Member
oh also could i harvest the top and allow the rest of the plant to develop further? is that ok to do or is it better to do it all at once?


100% Authentic A$$Hole
I had my bulb die during flowering and I couldnt replace the bulb for 3 days....The plants were in dark for 3 days and they were fine:hump:


Active Member
Depending on the strain, you can cause hermaphodites to appear. It has been proven that photoperiod manipulation causes stress sometimes inducing hermes... Which is good if your trying to make feminized (or herme :/ ) seeds. A hermie thats not genetically hermaphodite and that is "self pollenated" when crossed with a pure genetic female will create the feminized seeds.

My current grow for a clone mother of 3 random sinsemilla seeds produced 1 female indica, 1 female sativa, and 1 male. They were 3 seeds from 3 different sins'. I messed up the light period for ONE day during the beginning of flowering by giving it 24 hours off (light problem). The female sativa stopped growing for a week then shot up and sprouted male sacs. I pulled the male and the herme right away btw. This could have been genetic.

The female is nearing her 3rd week of flowering. Ill post some pics soon too, I could use a few pointers myself.

Do yourself a favor tho, just lock the fucking shit in the bedroom. SPEND TEN BUCKS AT HOME DEPOT FOR A DOORKNOB WITH A KEY. It takes five minutes to install.

Just a warning, easy with the light changes. Be as consistent as possible!