A bagseed i want to grow in 12/12 from the start...


Active Member
i was wondering what yield i should expect from a bagseed that is grown under 12/12 for a month as soon as it pops its head out from under the soil.

just as an experiment.


Well-Known Member
not much.. it would be immature.. that means a smaller yield and less potent smoke... if you let it veg to maturity you will get the most out of it both yield wise and smoke wise.. but 12/12 straight from seed you'll get something.. just dont look for anything to write home about..


Well-Known Member
One month is not enough time for the buds to mature. You would only get a few grams of immature bud - not even worth the time.
12 / 12 from seed is one thing, but even at that you will need a couple of months.
WASTE OF TIME..ive done it simmiler to what your doing and its a big fail.I went 2 months though.not worth the time,energy,cost of nutes and space.