A baby in bad shape?


Well-Known Member
I have a Diesel Ryder that is only a week old. The first leaf set and the one just emerging is brown and "crinkled" looking. My buddy came over and told me I should move the babies from my T-5's to a 250 W MH. The 13 babies that had sprouted all seemed to THRIVE under the MH. Temps got into the mid 80's after firing up the 250 MH. I pulled all of the babies from the MH and slid them back under the T-5's. I was hoping the less intense light and lower temps would help. After a day the new leaf set still looks brown & dark. I PHed my water (6.8). When I PHed the run off, I got a 5.8 reading. I am using Root Organics soil. All of the other plants look Happy, Fat & Sassy....


Well-Known Member
To be honest those don't look that bad to me. The fluorescents or the MH should be a good light for them, just remember if they're under the fluorescent it needs to be really close, like 1-2" away if that's not too hot. Make sure your soil doesn't contain time-release fertilizers.

Maybe someone else sees something that I don't, but they look alright so far to me.

How do you water them? You should thoroughly water the plant, so the water starts coming out the drainholes in the bottom of the pot. Then don't water again until after the top 2 inches of soil dries out. This should take at least a couple of days. You don't want water by only putting a little bit around the plant every day. I only mention this because in one of your pictures I can see the soil around the plant is damp but not all the way to the edge of the pot.


Active Member
To be honest those don't look that bad to me. The fluorescents or the MH should be a good light for them, just remember if they're under the fluorescent it needs to be really close, like 1-2" away if that's not too hot. Make sure your soil doesn't contain time-release fertilizers.

Maybe someone else sees something that I don't, but they look pretty healthy to me.
I was thinking the same thing as I was looking at them- they really aren't that bad. The one that you have labeled as "physically damaged" - leaves do that, sometimes they grow deformed and shit. Just keep on loving your little retarded babies and they will grow up to be beautiful!
You gotta remember that your plants will go up and down; they'll get spots, get weird nute deficiencies, leaves will fall off, etc- it's all part of the cycle- no plant grows perfectly- well, not that I have seen.
But yours look pretty much OK. Some of the leaves are droopy, which could mean overwatering- but I don't see any discoloration.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys. Funny you have noticed the water ring around the pots. When I repotted them I didn't want to drown them a day sfter watering. The root ball coming out of the cups was wet, So I figured osmisis or diffussion rather, would draw a little of the water away from roots, so I watered the peripheral area around where I thought the roots would be so as not to draw too much water away. I also though if the water was an inch or 2 away from the cup shaped roots it would make then reach out away from the center of the pots. When I do water them I usually lets a small trickle run out of the bottom. I was mostly wooried because each of the babies were showing the same curled leaves at the same time.

As far as PH is concerened, I am going to ge get a buffer today so I can calibrate the PH meter once in awhile. They must PH up distilled water for some reason, I can't imagine why a the PH of distilled water is in excess of 8.5?

Again thanks for the feedback...


Well-Known Member
I am guessing my plants are a little too hot. A few more plants went crispy. I watered good yesterday. I am guessing my 600W HPS is still a little intense. I have the ladies about 18-20 inches below the light. I have also been using distilled water (>20 PPM), except for the 1/8th strength FF Grow Big 6.5 PH. I think I may go with water that has more TDS. My water comes from a well. It isn't particularly hard or anything just the PH was a little high 8.4, which isn't that much different than distilled.
At least everything is dark & green. I wish I could have vegged these in the T-5, 250W MH room, but my roots were out growing the 20 oz cups and figured they wanted and needed the room to breath & grow. My Laughing Buddah strain is mostly sativa and looks like it is stretching a little compared to the DieselRyder. I have never grown Laughing Buddah before, but I think I remember pictures and I might recall they looked stretched.


Well-Known Member
When I turned the lights on again tonight, I decided to pull the lights up a little bit. They are now 22 inches above the plants. I turned the temps down a little to max out at 82 instead of 85. I am watering bothe rooms with the same water only difference is T-'s and 250 W MH and the other room where most of the dry looking leaves are, are under the 600 W HPS. Hopefully this helps. I just hope the Buddah doesn't stretch?

