A+B or 1 Part Nutrients


Well-Known Member
Why? Are 2part better or something? Why not just put it all in one bottle? Must be better in some way surely? Or we'd all be using single part nuts right? Can someone shine some light on this for me please?
Why? Are 2part better or something? Why not just put it all in one bottle? Must be better in some way surely? Or we'd all be using single part nuts right? Can someone shine some light on this for me please?
Liquid nutrients are often put into seperate A+B solutions because certain chemicals can't be mixed together in concentrated form without chemical reactions that would essentially ruin the feed. If you use the A+B type of feed, make sure you NEVER mix the 2 directly together. Add A to the water and mix well, then add B to the water and mix well. If you're growing organic, you don't get these types of reactions. Most synthetic nutrients have A+B bases.