I may have been a little harsh for which I apologize. Adding salt is still not recommended, however......the advice about seeding the new batch to provide conductivity to the distilled water with a small amount CS is spot on. Thanks for the additional info. CTD
Thanks for posting this website, it's a great explanation of the methods (and reasons behind them) used in this tutorial. Thanks for the information! I would like to point out that this website mentions briefly that silver particle size can be affected by the temperature of this operation, which directly relates to toxicity, so people concerned about bio-accumulation and toxicity might be interested to know how to make the particles smaller and generally harmless. Warming the water not only speeds the reaction but helps reduce particle size apparently, which ups the quality as well. Win.
And I think anyone who doubts electrolysis must have slept through high school chemistry. To be fair, that probably includes most of us But you can use electrolysis for other fun operations, like removing rust, or plating metal with precious metals like gold or silver.
Silver nitrate would definitely be interesting to try. If you have nitric acid based pH down, you could probably put some silver shavings in the nitric acid to make silver nitrate, then dilute that before spraying.
This would probably work to make a nice silver nitrate ion solution (Ag+, NO3-), but it wouldn't have the same properties of a colloidal solution, which has tiny particles instead of individual ions. Silver nitrate has been shown to inhibit ethylene in tomatoes (with long-term treatment, read this- http://www.plantphysiol.org/content/83/1/44.full.pdf). This means it would probably work to femminize like the colloidal solutions, worth a try right?
The solution would be more reactive definitely, since it has free ions, so if you try this, make sure your solution is really pure so you don't get any wonky toxic salts forming. I don't know the purity of Ph down, but it's an interesing idea.
hey buds looking for some advice i followed OP's post and built my device, I have been running for nearly 4 hours and ppm is at 21 does not seem to want to go any higher also the liquid is a very brownish colour, should i just leave it running
hey buds looking for some advice i followed OP's post and built my device, I have been running for nearly 4 hours and ppm is at 21 does not seem to want to go any higher also the liquid is a very brownish colour, should i just leave it running View attachment 3013389
I have just moved the rods to about 1 inch apart and it went to 24ppm so going to leave it a few more hours and see i guess the coffee cup warmer is crap i should get better
Granted it's been a few years since my college chemistry but I aced it and I recall silver as being *the* most electro-mobile element; that's probably why this method does not require an electrolytic solution. There are many ways to skin a cat and there is often more than one "right" answer.
Great post...
im just making my solution for the 1st time ...
Im using DV adapter 12V/ 500mA I can see forming tiny bubbles on negative silver rod and milky way coming down the positive rod...
Think im doing fine... i will check ppm about in 1h...
Got all information how to build CS generator here : http://www.quantumbalancing.com/makeyourowncs.htm
seems to be that if you add the air pump also improves the quality and hurry up the process...
i will try next round...