9 1/2 weeks hermie nanners!!! WHAT TO DO?

Corey Smith

hey guys ive got these very late flowering plants inter-mixed with early stage(2-3 weeks) and the late flowering plants[(9 1/2 weeks which were vegged for 2 months and are HUGE and had to be tied down with a trellis net )(not by our choice, couldnt afford the new flower 1000)] are kicking out the nanners, they emerge green then do not open but are turning yellow, rather "dead" looking, ive researched with mixed results...some say im fucked(pardon the french, landlord)and they've done their deed. Others say there is the Rhodelisation method(Soma method) or in other words flowering so long causes them a last ditch effort to reproduce, and the seeds will be femenised but with hermaphrodital tendencies. and then finally the one i would like to believe, that its fine and if get anything it shall be tiny seeds and the nanners shouldnt be viable to pollenate my early stages.......

any specific experience in the matter would be absolutely priceless at this point as this is my first grow and am inexperienced

the plants also recieved some radical temperature changes, dropping and then a climbing again, back to normal now. Along with that I had to spray for some spider mites on two of the early plants, they are very shocked and the odor remained in the room and leaking out into the house for about three days. I definitley sprayed them directly too much and cause their stunting but im wondering if could've caused the hermies in the late buds by the temp changes + organicide one day and all seasons spray oil the next being in the air and absorbed that way...

any help would be repped i need it brothers and sisters:wall:


can we see some pictures please, i would love to help out i am a beginner as well, or just explain more of what is wrong with the plants and what they look like, also what kind of lite do you have on them?

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
It's somewhat common to have late stage nanners especially if the plants are past their peak. It's the plant's last attempt to carry on the genetics. It is usually too little too late because we kill the plants long before these new seeds could form but since you ave young flowering plants, they are at risk of being pollinated heavily. I would agree you would likely end up with female seeds with a tendency to herm on you so unless you want seeds I would probably just harvest the plants or seperate the others. Every single pistil on your ladies is a potential spot for a seed to grow so even if they are young it could be a disaster. What strain are you growing? Most strains would be about done by now anyways.

Corey Smith

the lates are an OGP some hawaiian strain, they are all under a 1000w cool tube, in a 9x11x8 room..good circulation goin on, but pipe dream im seeing not as many amber trichromes as i would like originally, so basically i should give up that extra stonyness for the hope that my early laidies wont get or haven't already been pollenated...sandee im working on some pictures, or ones close enough to show these lil thangs...

also any signs that the early stages are pollenated??


Well-Known Member
im wondering if could've caused the hermies in the late buds by the temp changes + organicide one day and all seasons spray oil the next being in the air and absorbed that way...:
definetly the temperature thing
If the nanners aren't opening your OK. Keep an eye on them though.
you might want to consider early harvest if your other crop is too valuable to risk contamination.
There is a product out there you spray on called Reverse that will stop hermaphrodites, but it's pretty late to be going that route now.

Corey Smith

IMG_8521[1].JPG right there next to my thumb closest to my thumb the thing on the right is a nute burned leaf....i could get pics of the green ones cause i pulled them all off, but that is one of the ones i have thought to be dead, under a 1000w hps cool tube in and 9x11x8 room with good circulation


corey those look just like mine- i am to new at this to say sorry, they look like some of mine that i thought where going male on me too, but i posted and my response where that they where female because of all the hair but to me and what i have read ladies don't have little pineapples, that is what some of the buds look like to me with less hair, i read in the '101 already asked questions' under how to tell if its a male the 1st and 2nd answer/question has good pictures to help with your determination.-sorry couldnt be more helpful


Well-Known Member
looks like swollen catalysts with a pistal sticking out i don't see any nanners or pods