8ft by 8ft cola monster


Active Member
Holy shit Art! Wish mine were that obese, going to have to go through your posts and find out your secret recipe! :)


Well-Known Member
Holy shit!
+rep, keep posting in this thread till her final days and let us know the dry weight..


Well-Known Member
gotta love outdoor grows! congrats on your two kilo plant
Congrats on the great looking grow. Your buds are very fat. great great job man.

I would like to tell you a few things. I would tie the stalk up better. Bailing wire works really good. You can just coil some around the stalk for about 5 inches then run the wire to the next branch and coil there. It's a lot faster than cord and stronger. Less stress points on the stalks for the wire is just coiled.

I would also stake those with some lumber or netting.

Your grow is killer man. I would hate to see you lose some of the branches.