8 weeks into flowering - Signs of a Herm??


Hi Everybody,

Genetics - unidentified hybrid, started from clone

Light - outside until 3 weeks ago, now under 600w hps to finish

Medium - 5gal hempy bucket (85% perlite 15% vermiculite + soil in rootball from 1st transplant)

Nutes - Botanicare pure blend pro

Ok, my plant is about 8-9 weeks into flowering and I brought her inside to finish due to weather. I noticed what looks like seeds or banannas in my lower buds(See Pics)

I am now noticing what looks like fresh veg growth from the tops of the buds closest to the light ( closest one is 5" from bulb...but its not too hot due to air cooled hood). Could this be from the change in light intensity from my backyard to directly under the hps?

I think I've got about a week or two left before harvest, I started flushing 5 days ago and plan to do 72hrs dark before the chop.

These pics suck, but hopefully somebody has a suggestion.




Well-Known Member
id say that late in flowering...you are in the clear. those just look like un bunched buds man. AAAAANNNNND if you are really fretting just hack that very small questionable bud off and roast it? You're doing great..you got this.bongsmilie


Active Member
yea bro it either looks like those are seeds, or Stipule's. . .but i don't see any pistils... So i am thinking seeds.. Would you mind taking pictures of it if there are any other spots.. if it's just one bud or so take it off.. Preferrably wrap it up in plastic than remove it to keep any pollen from spreading, this late in flowerin you should have nothing to worry about but better safe than sorry.


Well-Known Member
Yeah those are seeds if you pinch them they will be hard. Since you are so close to harvest..It is really not that big a deal. Looking good other than the few balls you got going on...


Active Member
i agree with most kats on here....so late into flowering I wouldnt worryy...snip those nutz off.. and your good to go...


Well-Known Member
Had pretty much the same thing happen to me. One bud area on one plant, nearer to the bottom of the plant, had seeds starting. I plucked that little bit off and all(so far) seems to be good. A few beaners is no big deal really, as long as it doesn't go full hermie on you, and this late, with it looking that nice, highly doubtful.


Active Member
Thanks everybody.....I'm not gonna lose any sleep over this!!
I'm 7 1/2 weeks flowering with a very similiar issue. I cut the tops of the buds that this was happening to since I'm so close to harvest I figure topping the very tips of the buds will cause them to get fat and allow the lower buds to get bigger too for the last week or so. The "seed pod" looking things were a bit brittle when dried but I think it might just be wrapping up it's cycle. Either way as long as the yellow banana looking things don't pop out the end of them it shouldn't pollinate the rest of your crop, I'm cutting the affected branches early just in case though. Looking good man.