8 n a half weeks along..


ok so im not exactly sure what kind of plant it is i was told it was white widow but the stems are turning purple .. i was planning on waiting till 10 weeks to force flower it.. its growing under a 26 wat flourescent bulb atm 18 hours light 6 hours darkness.. anyone wanna tell me how to force flower it? the plant is about 19 inches tall now..8 n a half weeks.jpg


1-26 watt cfl grew that? Bravo..Only thing that forces flowering, is change of light cycle, you're going to have to cut your lights back to 12/12


Well-Known Member
yeah.. i'd start flowering now. or you'll have a monster when its done.. and you'll need ALOT more lights.


Well-Known Member
all you have to do is make sure that the plant gets 12 hours of light.. and 12 hours of dark (sleep).

what this does, is triggers the flowering hormone in the plant. kinda tells the plant "hey, fall is coming.. days are getting short and the nights will start getting short each day from now on." and then the plant responds.. "Oh wow, already? Okey dokey! I'll get myself ready (triggers flowering hormone.) and starts the flowering process.

and there ya have it. :)

(aka ganjaluvr)