7x7x7 grow tent plans


Active Member
alright guys so i plan on moving out into a pretty nice apartment all utilities but anyways im trying to go crazy with this tent i wanna split it into 3rds having one half flowering room then the other good side for my vegging room then have a separate lil room for cloning i was just wondering is this possible i wanna split the tents some kinda way with nice support i wanna run two 600watt hps lights in the flowering room with air cooled reflectors venting out the tent 400watt mh for the flowering side then some cfls for the cloning side

would this be a good idea to wrack in some money let me know i got 30 days to put evrything together including money for my tent ect but my first grow now should cover that and its almost done do you think theirs any risk in this im a pretty laid back dude just chill all day nobody would know


Active Member
Well I didn't know you could keep mothers and clnoes in a veg room I did my first grow 24/25 but my friend that grows said that you do 18/6 so now I might do that but i'm going to auto flower 80 small plants on the one side other half/half a flowering and begging room for some taller grows