7 weeks in flowering, questions...

First Time Growin

Active Member
Hey so my plant which is unknown strain(bag seed) is 7 weeks 2 days in flowering.
Many of the fan leaves have started to turn a darker gold/yellowish colour and are getting really dry..
The dry parts on the gold leaves are turning brown, and are crisp dry
I've read around that the leaves turn gold and curl upwards then when they are healthy for harvest, but mine are curling down
pH level is normal at 6.5 using promix potting soil, using DNF flowering nutes
I just fed her today, with water only
anybody got an idea what could be the problem?
Sorry no pics! no camera atm :(


New Member
yea man that's totally normal at this stage of the game, the plant is using up all it's stored energy and sugars to put into the finnished bud. Mine useually loose all they're leafs between 7-8 weeks,and I flush on my 8th week for a week or so, depending on my girls that is.....would help with pics, but I see you don't have at the moment.
But everything sounds good. How's the trichs? You got a microscope or 10x magnifying scope?
hope this helps


Well-Known Member
i have the same problem and am about the same length in flowering i was just about to post until i seen this one ill post my pics to see if mine is doing the same as yours Also badseed you can prolly tell my looking at it

im like you its rackin my brain and i dont want her to go hermi or anything
I think this might be because the plant has used it's potassium and phosphorus (PK) reserves. So try adding something rich in PK like Canna PK 13/14.


any little white hairs?
Well there's no correct way to do it without looking at the trichs, but if you want to do it the old school way you can make an estimation on how much (%) of the hairs have turned from white to brown/orange/whatever. It's not nearly as precise a science but it can give you an idea or where you're at.

Ebban Flow

Well-Known Member
IMO (though I'm no expert by any means) without a scope (which you can pick up for 10$ at radio shack or amazon.com) Look for the calyxes to swell and the pistols to recede into the calyxes (calyxes are where the pistols come out of, pistols are the hairs).
Alternatively you could use the old school method and just wait until 75+% of pistols turn red.
Ultimately you really should get a scope, they're cheap and it's worth it. Takes the guessing out of it and allows you to harvest for maximum desired effect.(clear/cloudy trichomes for more heady high, or cloudy/amber for more of a couch lock.)

Good luck.