7 footers!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I got 2 purple power plants in a great spot. Its basically the start of august and my question how much taller will they get? I dont mind how tall they get im just curious. Also how much can a top cola give? I heard they can give several ounces. Again just curious. Thanks for the info


Well-Known Member
generally when plants start to bud they can almost double in size, so 14 footers are possible. i suggest supporting the branches so they don't break if you haven't already.


Well-Known Member
What do you mean support them? How if they're gonna grow another seven feet?

They probably won't get but another foot or two maybe three taller before they start to fill out with bud.

Or they might get twenty five feet tall but it would surprise me


Well-Known Member
Last time I grew my plants veg'd until they were 5 to 6 ft. tall and only grew another foot or so during flowers, they were bagseed sativa which turned out to be some really good smoke, very fruity and mellow. I can only hope for the same or better results this year. With this great weather we've been having in the midwest it might turn out to be a very nice winter.