Has anyone tried any of these 7 dwarfs autos, yet? I can't find anything on them anywhere and I know they just came out not too long ago. The joint dr is the shit and I would love to test the competition, if it can stack up.
no comments? I know they are new, but someone around here must at least know someone who knows someone who said they had a friend who tried them, lol. c'mon....... anyone
do not buy them they are so un stable and they are real bad with nut problems also i have all 7 and none are flowering to well at all so there not true autos at least for me there not working so good plus the germ rate are like 3 out of 5
Don't buy em.
I tried 4 plants.
2 Cyclops
1 Titan
1 Gigantes
Only the Titan auto flowered. The rest were put under 12/12 after 7 weeks.
Contacted the company about this & never heard back from them.